How different would the season have been if Azubuike was healthy?


I think AR was the centerpiece of that D Lee trade, but I do wonder how good this team would have been if both AR & Buike had been able to play some decent minutes in this system. Seems to me they both had the skills to excel in an uptempo style game.


Azu & AR was the center piece of the Lee trade the same
as Mobley & Tim was the center piece in the Zbo trade.
Both trades were suppose to be cancel for health reasons.

If we had a healthy Azu and a different headcoach.....
Felton & Azu tandem vs backup tandem TD & Fields wouldve
been exciting for the rotation. I'm sure Azu wouldve found
away to get an athletic AR into a transition game, while fans
would be excited over AR rebounding & blockshots.