Carmelo Anthony, welcome to NY Knicks


Yes, today is the official day of Melo joining the Knicks.

For good or bad, Melo is a ISO player, just like Kobe is.

Remember the days of Patrick? what kind of offense we had? post plays all the way.

Well, Woodson is a ISO coach of star players, Melo got what he wanted.

Today against Portland, we all see Carmelo exploding, will it be +30? or will it be 5-30? it can go either way.

But start from today, its not about the system, its about the franchise players.

Welcome to the Knicks, now earn it!


My hope was Josh Smith, BUT, Woodson and Josh is a no no, and that is a bit dissapoitment for me.

But hey, STAT needs to prove himself to a new coach, its a new one for him, no more no effort on D


Rotation player
I have a feeling Melo is gonna explode and start playing like his old self now that DAntoni is gone..

He kinda has no choice because the fingers are aimed at him from now on weather he likes it or not.