The Bible - Proof that Christianity is True

You're right. I don't believe in the bible so therefore my knowledge of it and understanding are not as deep as yours.

You are not a scientist, so your knowledge and understanding of evolution, the big bang theory, carbon dating and other scientific principles are not as deep as mine.

You have not convinced me that there is a God. I have not convinced you that there is no God.

All I ask is that you go about your day living the life that brings you the most happiness. But please don't try and change anyone because you think you are right and every non-christian is wrong. That is rude, arrogant and insulting. It's fine that you think you are going to heaven and someone like Ghandi or the Dhali Lama is not. Just don't try and change them. Because they have contributed more good to this planet than most of His followers.

Just accept people for who they are and try to be a good person. That's how I try to live my life.

And again, you still ain't paying attention. When did I EVER say I was going to heaven? Let me show you again the promise God made to most of those that serve him.

Psalms 37:29 The righteous themselves will POSSESS THE EARTH,
And they will reside FOREVER UPON IT.

11 But the meek ones themselves will POSSESS THE EARTH,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

Isaiah 45:18 For this is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the [true] God, THE FORMER OF THE EARTH and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, WHO FORMED IT EVEN TO BE INHABITED: ?I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.

If you still have not noticed, I have no hope AT ALL of living in heaven. Mankind was not made for that. I do have a hope to live forever on planet earth sometime in the near future according to the bible.

God said way back in the Garden of Eden to Adam, to procreate, and make the earth a global paradise. He helped Adam get off to a great start. Adam could eat in abundance, never knew sickness, or hardship. God made him lord over all other life form on earth, and even gave him a partner (women are WONDERFUL!) THE ONLY WAY ADAM WOULD POSITIVELY DIE IS IF HE ATE FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND BAD... So if you use common sense, it will simply tell you that if Adam NEVER ate from that tree, he'd then positively CONTINUE TO LIVE!

That was God's original plan from Jump street. Mankind to live on earth forever, and enjoy it and never have to suffer for it. ADAM CHOSE to disobey, therefore suffer the consequences. God did not make him do it, he chose. That is no different from a loving parent wanting their child's respect for the nurturing and care they provide. You would not call your parent selfish for wanting what amounts as basic respect, yet you'd call God selfish for wanting in reality the same respect you give you human parents.

Now even though Adam lost the right for his kids to live as God intended, God IMMEDIATELY put a plan into action to rectify that. How fair would it be to allow Satan, Adam and Eve to permanently ruin for us the blessings God wants to bestow, who did not ask to be here, for their error? And that leads to the theme of the bible which is the glorious good news of the Kingdom of God, which the perfect man Jesus Christ whom you know existed, used every ounce of his being to get across to all who hope in the truth of God.

Now just for the sake of argument. Bare with me. Let's just say the bible is correct. Let's just go on that preface. Does this not sound like it could be going on with the way the world has been from biblical times to now?

Look at how the devil operates from the bible. He told Eve God was a liar, and that he was hiding something better from them, than serving him, even though they had seen how lovingly God provided for them and the other animals on the earth. But not only that, notice he attacked Eve who was pretty much new in the Garden, and Not Adam who had walked alone with God for quite some time. Why? Because we all know the young are most vulnerable. And he knew that out of love for Eve, Adam might eat even knowing he was wrong. Don't take a genius to see that. But not only did he attack the weakest vessel, but he was not even big enough to reveal himself.. HE HID BEHIND A MASK BY USING THE SNAKE! like a ventrilaquist basically.

So if you took that episode in total context, Satan attacks weaknesses, tells lies, and will reveal himself in any way necessary to do so. Now what was Satan's whole point in tricking Eve? It was so she could stop serving God... AND UNINTENTIONALLY BE SERVING HIM! Adam and Eve thought they could be like God, but really they were just choosing to serve another God other than the one who provided for them... Satan. But they never saw it like that.. They just thought that THEY would be like God, falling for the okie doke. Satan did not care how he had to do it, so long as Adam and Eve were mislead away from the truth about God. And unfortunately, he succeeded.

Now with that in mind, pretend you are Satan for a sec. If your goal is to mislead people and not have them know the truth about God, what would you throw at them?

Well since you must know about God, why not throw many gods out there? So many religions out there it seems on the surface impossible that there is one true religion... On the surface of course.

If you can have people worship anything other than God, then you have succeeded, just as he did in the garden. And it does not have to be a deity to be worshiped. And that is what he does. He builds a false hope for each individual that seems assured and reasonable, but is basically like striving for the wind in the end, if it's in opposition to doing God's will.

Have you ever stopped to think if there is only one God, would there really be more than one way to gain his approval? And should he not have the right as God to choose the ways he wants to be worshiped? If you were God and created all things and they were all good and everything benefited because of you living and creating them, would you want your creations to dictate to you how they will worship you? Could your children run your household when you lovingly provide for them, and tell you how they will obey you? Would that make you egotistical to expect their respect when because of you they are even alive?

And if this is the last reply I'll say this last thing, I never try to change anyone, I'm not capable. A person has to first want truth, before it can be revealed. I try to open each person up to the one who is capable of revealing truth, and that is Jehovah. I'm born in sin. All truth I know comes from Jehovah because as Jesus said it best about Jehovah John 17: 17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth.

But I also know that just because you know the truth, does not mean the rest of the world will accept it as such. Jesus was killed by the very same people that his father took as a special people for 1500 years. They had the lineage, the scribes , miracles and all sortsa proof that they were God's chosen people. Yet even they turned their backs on him for the most part. Which is why Jesus told them God had abandoned them, because they forgot him. Not the other way around. If they could do it after everything God did for them, I know it's much tougher for people who don't have the luxury they had to accept it nowadays. BUT SOME DO! So I take it a prayer and a day at a time, and let God do the brunt work. I am just a lowly representative trying to fulfill the commision at mathew 28:18-20.


All Star
Ending it

turneraddict, i respect all religions man and if you feel your right then so be it im not gonna force you to obey the bible and all that just to check out that site i posted at the start of this thread because it's pretty interesting material. And the reason why i believe the things i do is not because ive been brought up in a christian society it's because ive watched people on tv scholars and many for example...Hal Lindsey, Jr. Church, Rabbi Zacharias, John Ankerberg, Carl Baugh, etc. that talk about the comparison between the bible and the earth we live today and the similarities are so common that i cant find a way to not believe it. And it's hard to understand if you dont believe in it in the first place but if you really get interested in it then more things arise and you begin to notice more and more that secular society doesnt that's all i have to say about my part. i respect that you strongly believe in something just to maybe one day check out the names i listed and see for yourself if they can suprise you with anything. I named Rabbi Zacahrias i think thats how u spell his name, because he too use to be Muslim and then became a Christian. So incase you ever want to check out how that happened just giving you some info. This thread is done, been arguing too much and i think we all know time will only tell whether one of us is convinced...thanks for the many posts making the hangout section a little more interesting lol.


And again, you still ain't paying attention. When did I EVER say I was going to heaven? Let me show you again the promise God made to most of those that serve him.

I have been paying attention. OK technically you didn't say you were going to heaven. But you did say that only His true followers will receive everlasting paradise. Which means that Ghandi and the Dhali Lama will not receive everlasting paradise.

Psalms 37:29 The righteous themselves will POSSESS THE EARTH,
And they will reside FOREVER UPON IT.

11 But the meek ones themselves will POSSESS THE EARTH,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

So which is it? The righteous or the meek that will possess the earth. Will both? Can you only be righteous if you're meek? Can you only be meek if you're righteous?

If you still have not noticed, I have no hope AT ALL of living in heaven. Mankind was not made for that. I do have a hope to live forever on planet earth sometime in the near future according to the bible.

You will not live forever. That is impossible. Nothing has lived for ever. We are all slowly dieing. The aging process is proof of that. The gray hairs, wrinkles in the skin, gaining weight and all the other signs of aging are your cells dieng off. And new ones are not rejuvinating as quickly as they did before. So, when you are on your deathbed, and realized you are not going to live forever, remember this discussion.

God said way back in the Garden of Eden to Adam, to procreate, and make the earth a global paradise. He helped Adam get off to a great start. Adam could eat in abundance, never knew sickness, or hardship. God made him lord over all other life form on earth, and even gave him a partner (women are WONDERFUL!) THE ONLY WAY ADAM WOULD POSITIVELY DIE IS IF HE ATE FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND BAD... So if you use common sense, it will simply tell you that if Adam NEVER ate from that tree, he'd then positively CONTINUE TO LIVE!

That's funny, because common sense does not apply here at all. How would Adam procreate? Asexually I presume. Asexual reproduction produces an exact copy of the parent, unless there is genetic mutation. So, evolution could only produce something different than a bunch of Adams. Or would they just pop out of the ground like mole-men? Does he build them out of the earth and then give them life? Then that is technically not procreation.

That was God's original plan from Jump street. Mankind to live on earth forever, and enjoy it and never have to suffer for it. ADAM CHOSE to disobey, therefore suffer the consequences. God did not make him do it, he chose. That is no different from a loving parent wanting their child's respect for the nurturing and care they provide. You would not call your parent selfish for wanting what amounts as basic respect, yet you'd call God selfish for wanting in reality the same respect you give you human parents.

Now even though Adam lost the right for his kids to live as God intended, God IMMEDIATELY put a plan into action to rectify that. How fair would it be to allow Satan, Adam and Eve to permanently ruin for us the blessings God wants to bestow, who did not ask to be here, for their error? And that leads to the theme of the bible which is the glorious good news of the Kingdom of God, which the perfect man Jesus Christ whom you know existed, used every ounce of his being to get across to all who hope in the truth of God.

Now just for the sake of argument. Bare with me. Let's just say the bible is correct. Let's just go on that preface. Does this not sound like it could be going on with the way the world has been from biblical times to now?

Actually, that does not sound like it could be going on with the way the world has been from biblical times to now. Not at all. But, if the bible is your only source of knowledge than I can understand why you would think that way. Let's just say that the bible is a story told by many people long ago. And that science is actually correct (i.e. universe is 13 billion years old, the earth is 5 billion years old, life on earth is 2 billion years old, humans have been around for 1 million years, life has been competing since it arose = species that once existed are extinct now and species that exist now did not exist years ago) then doesn't that sound like how the world really is?

Look at how the devil operates from the bible. He told Eve God was a liar, and that he was hiding something better from them, than serving him, even though they had seen how lovingly God provided for them and the other animals on the earth. But not only that, notice he attacked Eve who was pretty much new in the Garden, and Not Adam who had walked alone with God for quite some time. Why? Because we all know the young are most vulnerable. And he knew that out of love for Eve, Adam might eat even knowing he was wrong. Don't take a genius to see that. But not only did he attack the weakest vessel, but he was not even big enough to reveal himself.. HE HID BEHIND A MASK BY USING THE SNAKE! like a ventrilaquist basically.

So if you took that episode in total context, Satan attacks weaknesses, tells lies, and will reveal himself in any way necessary to do so. Now what was Satan's whole point in tricking Eve? It was so she could stop serving God... AND UNINTENTIONALLY BE SERVING HIM! Adam and Eve thought they could be like God, but really they were just choosing to serve another God other than the one who provided for them... Satan. But they never saw it like that.. They just thought that THEY would be like God, falling for the okie doke. Satan did not care how he had to do it, so long as Adam and Eve were mislead away from the truth about God. And unfortunately, he succeeded.

Now with that in mind, pretend you are Satan for a sec. If your goal is to mislead people and not have them know the truth about God, what would you throw at them?

Well since you must know about God, why not throw many gods out there? So many religions out there it seems on the surface impossible that there is one true religion... On the surface of course.

If you can have people worship anything other than God, then you have succeeded, just as he did in the garden. And it does not have to be a deity to be worshiped. And that is what he does. He builds a false hope for each individual that seems assured and reasonable, but is basically like striving for the wind in the end, if it's in opposition to doing God's will.

Have you ever stopped to think if there is only one God, would there really be more than one way to gain his approval? And should he not have the right as God to choose the ways he wants to be worshiped? If you were God and created all things and they were all good and everything benefited because of you living and creating them, would you want your creations to dictate to you how they will worship you? Could your children run your household when you lovingly provide for them, and tell you how they will obey you? Would that make you egotistical to expect their respect when because of you they are even alive?

And if this is the last reply I'll say this last thing, I never try to change anyone, I'm not capable. A person has to first want truth, before it can be revealed. I try to open each person up to the one who is capable of revealing truth, and that is Jehovah. I'm born in sin. All truth I know comes from Jehovah because as Jesus said it best about Jehovah John 17: 17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth.

This statement is the only reason why I have replied to your post. If you are the type of person that knocks on strangers doors and tells them about the bible, or goes up to complete strangers and tells them about the bible, then technically you are trying to change someone's beliefs because you think you are right and they are wrong. You may call it "revealing the truth to people", but that is still very arrogant to assume you are right and they are wrong. Isn't it also in the bible to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? would you want a Hindu coming up to you and telling you that your're wrong?

Please tell me you are not doing that. (And please, no more bible quotes. I can't stand any more bible quotes. A simple yes or no will do.)
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turneraddict, i respect all religions man and if you feel your right then so be it im not gonna force you to obey the bible and all that just to check out that site i posted at the start of this thread because it's pretty interesting material. And the reason why i believe the things i do is not because ive been brought up in a christian society it's because ive watched people on tv scholars and many for example...Hal Lindsey, Jr. Church, Rabbi Zacharias, John Ankerberg, Carl Baugh, etc. that talk about the comparison between the bible and the earth we live today and the similarities are so common that i cant find a way to not believe it. And it's hard to understand if you dont believe in it in the first place but if you really get interested in it then more things arise and you begin to notice more and more that secular society doesnt that's all i have to say about my part. i respect that you strongly believe in something just to maybe one day check out the names i listed and see for yourself if they can suprise you with anything. I named Rabbi Zacahrias i think thats how u spell his name, because he too use to be Muslim and then became a Christian. So incase you ever want to check out how that happened just giving you some info. This thread is done, been arguing too much and i think we all know time will only tell whether one of us is convinced...thanks for the many posts making the hangout section a little more interesting lol.

I'm glad you respect all religions and beliefs. You are a good person for doing that. If you want to live the life as a christian, then by all means, go right ahead. I have no problems with you being a chistian, muslim, jew, buddist, hindu, etc., etc. Just don't try and change someones beliefs because you think you are right and they are wrong.

If christianity brings good in your life and the bible provides you answers then that is a good thing.

The bible makes logical sense to you. I was rasied in a religious family and brought up catholic. I've read the bible. But science has opened my eyes to the world, and for me science (evolution, astronomy, genetics) makes the most logical sense to me. We both deeply believe. We both have answers for the universe. Let us respect each other's beliefs and let each human live their own lives. We'll find out when we're dead.


turneraddict, i respect all religions man and if you feel your right then so be it im not gonna force you to obey the bible and all that just to check out that site i posted at the start of this thread because it's pretty interesting material. And the reason why i believe the things i do is not because ive been brought up in a christian society it's because ive watched people on tv scholars and many for example...Hal Lindsey, Jr. Church, Rabbi Zacharias, John Ankerberg, Carl Baugh, etc. that talk about the comparison between the bible and the earth we live today and the similarities are so common that i cant find a way to not believe it. And it's hard to understand if you dont believe in it in the first place but if you really get interested in it then more things arise and you begin to notice more and more that secular society doesnt that's all i have to say about my part. i respect that you strongly believe in something just to maybe one day check out the names i listed and see for yourself if they can suprise you with anything. I named Rabbi Zacahrias i think thats how u spell his name, because he too use to be Muslim and then became a Christian. So incase you ever want to check out how that happened just giving you some info. This thread is done, been arguing too much and i think we all know time will only tell whether one of us is convinced...thanks for the many posts making the hangout section a little more interesting lol.

I was raised Catholic since my birth, hell, I was even confirmed. Although, early on I noticed that the things they were teaching me were bullshit.


All Star
I'm not Catholic either and the Catholic faith has many problems with it that make it part of christianity...i dont doubt you on that. Things like how Catholics pray to Mary instead of God or Yeshua. Mary was important to our book the Bible but Yeshua is the Son of God not Mary so i see your point when looking at the Catholic faith. My point of view is from a Evangelical/Baptist so my beliefs are different from the Catholic religion and follow more along the lines of the Bible. Were Catholicism has priests an bishops that do throw in words in the bible which make me very angry because people are learning from their words...not Yeshua's words or his disciples. Many Catholics believe that large sums of money will wash away their sins when that is not the purpose of giving money to your church. They are a very religious people but the Church has changed the way the Catholics worship. They should really be studying the bible and not studying what their priests say. Much of what priests say is not even in the is a man-made religion. Were I feel that an Evangelical faith is more toward a God-made religion becuase we are following everything Yeshua and his disciples say not what the Church says. The Church is very corrupt, I once read a world statistic that the Vattican has so much money that it can feed the world for 11 years! Pretty impressive but at the same time very sad because all of it goes to the City rather then the hungry and starving people of this world. But the main difference is the Pope were Catholics look to him as holy human that is divine through God. This is not only obsured but it is Demonic especially toward the Christian faith because The Pope should not be one that people are prayin to or for he should be an icon that spreads the word of Christ but so many years of following their own rules has also made Catholicism a somewhat Atheist religion in it's own ways. And the Catholics should be praying to God or Yeshua for spiritual guidance. I'm not surprised that you converted to Islam for I feel that even Islam has more influence then Catholicism being that they study their Koran extensively just like Christians with their Bible that is why I resepct your religion. But their are many differences between us and our Prophets Muhammed and Yeshua. If you want one day i will name those differences for you and tell you about the information and sources i have found by many scholars about the Islamic faith which might make your eye brow go up. Thanks for the debate i learned alot from a Muslim point of view. I made this thread to also learn the point of views of others and their intake on the subject.


Tuner, you are a Muslim? I didn't see you saying that? Paul1355 seems to think you are. I got the feeling from your posts that you were Agnostic. I guess it doesn't matter. I think it's ovious to everyone by now that I am an Atheist.


The King
I was raised Catholic since my birth, hell, I was even confirmed. Although, early on I noticed that the things they were teaching me were bullshit.

No wonder you have strong feelings against religion, you were a Catholic for crying out loud! I would be pissed too, whorshipping Mary?? and wtf is the golden door in the Vatican for, Gate to Hell?, ah HA! Stay away from the Catholic teachings, they play right into the prophecy for Global Domination!

(Part 1) Prophecy of the Century:

(Part 2) Prophecy of the Century:

Tuner, you are a Muslim? I didn't see you saying that? Paul1355 seems to think you are. I got the feeling from your posts that you were Agnostic. I guess it doesn't matter. I think it's ovious to everyone by now that I am an Atheist.

I was wondering myself, what are you Turner? Do you classify yourself as an Atheist?

LJ4ptplay, I think you should reconsider and do more research rather then just settling at Atheistism.


I'm a devout Athiest. I was a Catholic turned Taoist turned Muslim turn Agnostic turned Athiest. Long road, but I've found my home.


No wonder you have strong feelings against religion, you were a Catholic for crying out loud! I would be pissed too, whorshipping Mary?? and wtf is the golden door in the Vatican for, Gate to Hell?, ah HA! Stay away from the Catholic teachings, they play right into the prophecy for Global Domination!

(Part 1) Prophecy of the Century:

(Part 2) Prophecy of the Century:

I was wondering myself, what are you Turner? Do you classify yourself as an Atheist?

LJ4ptplay, I think you should reconsider and do more research rather then just settling at Atheistism.

I have done my research. Did you read any of my posts. I've provided a lot of information. My research has led me too Atheism. You should do more research as well, instead of just settling on Christianity.
I have been paying attention. OK technically you didn't say you were going to heaven. But you did say that only His true followers will receive everlasting paradise. Which means that Ghandi and the Dhali Lama will not receive everlasting paradise.

First, let me ask does this make sense to you. If the bible is correct that Adam and Eve existed, before they sinned, how many religions were there? There could only be one because, God kept good care of them until they deviated into false religion, which was to follow Satan's lead instead of his. So if this same God is planning to fix things, would logic indicate that there would be one truth leading to him? And if it's true that before sin Adam and Eve only served Jehovah, then who do you think would be responsible for the religions now they deviate from Jehovah?

Also bible said there will be a ressurection of the righteous and the unrighteous during judgement day (remember a day to God is a thousand years to us, hence Judgement day) which will amount to a literal thousand years when Christ rules as God's chosen King over the earth. Kings have kingdoms. And that was the good news Jesus came to preach about while on earth. He gave samples of what that kingdom will do over that 1000 year span. He healed all kinds of ailments, He fed people and always had a surplus, and he even raised the dead. That was all done to show people that God can do it on a grand scale in the future. That is the plan. To restore the mankind and the earth to its original perfect state, like God intended for Adam and Eve. GOOD NEWS INDEED!

Now I don't know if Ghandi will be ressurected in that time, but the likely hood is great since it said unrighteous, which means people who just are not right, not necessarily wicked. But the bible also speaks of those who will not recieve that ressurection due to the fact that they live during a time of judgement. Explaining that would take some effort, and you did not ask, so moving on.

So which is it? The righteous or the meek that will possess the earth. Will both? Can you only be righteous if you're meek? Can you only be meek if you're righteous?

It's both. The bible called Moses by far the meekest man on the entire earth at the time God chose him to lead his people. Christ was the meekest man to ever live. It is an endearing quality to have because it reflects Jehovah who is the meekest individual in existence.

You will not live forever. That is impossible. Nothing has lived for ever. We are all slowly dieing. The aging process is proof of that. The gray hairs, wrinkles in the skin, gaining weight and all the other signs of aging are your cells dieng off. And new ones are not rejuvinating as quickly as they did before. So, when you are on your deathbed, and realized you are not going to live forever, remember this discussion.

Well try telling that to Jesus who expected that God would raise him up in three days so in fact he COULD live again and forever. Jesus death paved the way for others to recieve that blessing, if they hope in him. The bible says God puts forever into our hearts. Which explains why no logical human ever WANTS to die. WE EXPECT TOO, BUT NORMALLY DO NOT WANT TOO. And again, Scientist will agree that technically speaking, humans should be able to live forever. Except we have this aging thing that no one knows why it happens, it just does and cannot be stopped. Maybe because God guaranteed it would happen to Adam, and God can't lie so.. we see it too. For now.

That's funny, because common sense does not apply here at all. How would Adam procreate? Asexually I presume. Asexual reproduction produces an exact copy of the parent, unless there is genetic mutation. So, evolution could only produce something different than a bunch of Adams. Or would they just pop out of the ground like mole-men? Does he build them out of the earth and then give them life? Then that is technically not procreation.

Well, god did not decree the procreation command until Adam had a partner to help him do so. So no evolution involved. Just one man, one woman, whom science will agree we all stemmed from. Just as God made it.

This statement is the only reason why I have replied to your post. If you are the type of person that knocks on strangers doors and tells them about the bible, or goes up to complete strangers and tells them about the bible, then technically you are trying to change someone's beliefs because you think you are right and they are wrong. You may call it "revealing the truth to people", but that is still very arrogant to assume you are right and they are wrong. Isn't it also in the bible to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? would you want a Hindu coming up to you and telling you that your're wrong?

Please tell me you are not doing that. (And please, no more bible quotes. I can't stand any more bible quotes. A simple yes or no will do.)

Technically speaking, it will absolutely take a change in thinking and heart and mind to accept something other than what you know as truth, for truth. However, that is not my goal when I speak to a person about the bible. It is not to say, I'm right and you're wrong and you are stupid if you stay how you are, to come off pompous. But it is to show that the bible is truly God's word, and to help others understand what his plans are. I fail to understand how trying to help others learn about the supreme being and maker of all things is a bad thing in any way. Even if it means they have to abandon what they know. How silly would that really be? To say to Jehovah, hey Jehovah, I know you exist and you wanna change things for the better for everyone, but this guy here is a buddisht and he is thinks he is doing just fine without you, so I will let not let him know what I know about you because he is fine how he is, even though if he does not know you he could possibly not recieve everlasting life?

If you were about to head into an establishment of some sort where there was immediate danger, maybe fatally, that you were unaware of because you were preoccupied with what you need to do while heading in there, and Im on the corner with knowledge that can possibly keep you from danger, and spare your life even, would you want me to let you proceed without saying anything, or warn you? Honest?

If you say warn you, now you know what Jehovah is trying to do for all mankind out of love. Save them.


So in other words, you're so elitist that any ignorant person who doesn't believe what you believe needs to be saved? Its good to know that there are people out there that are so much better than me, but still able to take pity on my weakness and steer me in the right direction. Oh, that was sarcasm.


Technically speaking, it will absolutely take a change in thinking and heart and mind to accept something other than what you know as truth, for truth. However, that is not my goal when I speak to a person about the bible. It is not to say, I'm right and you're wrong and you are stupid if you stay how you are, to come off pompous. But it is to show that the bible is truly God's word, and to help others understand what his plans are. I fail to understand how trying to help others learn about the supreme being and maker of all things is a bad thing in any way. Even if it means they have to abandon what they know. How silly would that really be? To say to Jehovah, hey Jehovah, I know you exist and you wanna change things for the better for everyone, but this guy here is a buddisht and he is thinks he is doing just fine without you, so I will let not let him know what I know about you because he is fine how he is, even though if he does not know you he could possibly not recieve everlasting life?

If you were about to head into an establishment of some sort where there was immediate danger, maybe fatally, that you were unaware of because you were preoccupied with what you need to do while heading in there, and Im on the corner with knowledge that can possibly keep you from danger, and spare your life even, would you want me to let you proceed without saying anything, or warn you? Honest?

If you say warn you, now you know what Jehovah is trying to do for all mankind out of love. Save them.

Again, you think you are saving someone, but in actuallity you are just being rude. You are doing more harm than good. You think you are right and they are wrong. Nothing you have said makes me think otherwise.

You think you are bringing God's word to them. But that other person believes they are truly following God's word. To you, the bible is fact and the truth, yet to someone else their religion is fact and truth.

Yet you call that religion a false religion. How do you feel when I call your religion false? Do you like it? Don't you see that as insulting.

But that's it in a nutshell. You are so oblivious to other people's viewpoints that you don't even realize what you are doing. You are so convinced that your religion is right, that you don't realize you could be wrong.

A devout Buddist has just as much proof that their religion is true as you have about Christianity. I ask you again, how would you feel if a Hindu came to your door and tried to convince you to join Hinduism? Would you think they are trying to save you, or trying to change the beliefs that you know as truth? You think you are doing good by saving them from imminent danger. But the danger you speak of is not fact. It is faith.

The only scientific fact that the world will end, is when our star (or sun) begins to use up all of it's hydrogen atoms. When this happens it expands to become a Red Giant and envelops our planet. This will happen in approx. 300 million years. This is fact, we see it with our own eyes in the universe all of the time. In fact, in the southern night sky this week, the star Scorpious is visible. It is a star that turned into a Red Giant. It is over 150 million light years away. Which also proves the universe is much older than you think. 150 million light years means that it took 150 million years for the light from this Red Giant to reach your eyes today. Since the speed of light is approx. 186,000 miles/second, that means Scorpious is 879,854,400,000,000,000,000 miles away from the earth.

Do you see? These are facts. Do you see the difference between facts and faith? We can see facts, we can measure facts, we can test facts, we can calculate facts.

You cannot do that with faith. And that is where you offend people. You are so convinced your faith is right and another person's faith is wrong. You should keep YOUR faith to yourself and let other people keep THEIR faith to themselves. When you do otherwise you are being disrespectful. You are not saving them, you are being rude.

But, I know you won't keep your religion to yourself. You will go on, oblivious to other people's feelings thinking you are doing God's work all the while disrespecting everybody else. Your faith is so strong, and I commend you for it, that you cannot possibly comprehend that you're wrong. You are incappable and unwilling to understand and accept other faiths.


All Star
No wonder you have strong feelings against religion, you were a Catholic for crying out loud! I would be pissed too, whorshipping Mary?? and wtf is the golden door in the Vatican for, Gate to Hell?, ah HA! Stay away from the Catholic teachings, they play right into the prophecy for Global Domination!

(Part 1) Prophecy of the Century:

(Part 2) Prophecy of the Century:

I was wondering myself, what are you Turner? Do you classify yourself as an Atheist?

LJ4ptplay, I think you should reconsider and do more research rather then just settling at Atheistism.

Very interesting considering that the Anti-christ or false prophet may come out of the Roman Catholic Church it's possible, but Akamu the source of that video came from World's Last Chance Ministry which has a few flaws in it's views. I agreed with most of them but they do feel different from a Baptist point of view such as myself..they said on their site..."We believe that God's honest children will come out from the fallen (Babylonian) churches."
Really the true believers are those who profess that Jesus Christ is their personal savior and that he is God. Wether you come from the fallen Babylonian churches does not matter. That's something i am against when it comes to their views. The video is interesting showing that the quotes in revelation could be the description of the Catholic Church but there are also suggestions that Revelation talks about the European Union..check that out too..there is alot of talk that the EU will have the anti-christ listen to Jack Van Impe he always talks about the EU and he knows the Bible by heart.


All Star
It's called carbon dating. It is a very reliable source. For example, carbon-14 is found in every lifeform. Carbon-14 is not stable and as a result it is always undergoing natural radioactive decay. The rate at which C14 decays is absolutely constant. Given any set of C14 atoms, half of them will decay in 5730 years. By measuring the amount of C14 deacy and current composition of C14 atoms they can accurately determine the age of an item. When an artifact or fossil is tested for age, multiple independant scientists will do 6 different styles of testing (testing different carbon atoms as well, C12, C13, etc.) around 14 times each. It is not a guess. It's proven with hard data.

Other false prophesies and contradictions found in the bible:

God says that if Adam eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then the day that he does so, he will die. But later Adam eats the forbidden fruit (3:6) and yet lives for another 930 years (5:5). 2:17

As a punishment for killing Abel, God says Cain will be "a fugitive and a vagabond." Yet in just a few verses (4:16-17) Cain will settle down, marry, have a son, and build a city. This is not the activity one would expect from a fugitive and a vagabond. 4:12

God promises Abram and his descendants all of the land of Canaan. But both history and the bible (Acts 7:5 and Heb.11:13) show that God's promise to Abram was not fulfilled. 13:15, 15:18, 17:8, 28:13-14

How long was the Egyptian captivity? This verse says 400 years, but Ex.12:40 and Gal.3:17 say 430 years. 15:13

"In the fourth generation they [Abraham's descendants] shall come hither again." But, if we count Abraham, then their return occurred after seven generations: Abraham, Isaac (Gen.21:1-3), Jacob (Gen.25:19-26), Levi (Gen.35:22-23), Kohath (Ex.6:16), Amramn (Ex.6:18), and Moses (Ex.6:20). 15:16

God promises Abram's descendants the land of Canaan from the Nile to the Euphrates. But according to Acts 7:5 and Heb.11:13 God's promise to Abram was not fulfilled. 15:18

God promises to make Isaac's descendents as numerous as "the stars of heaven", which, of course, never happened. The Jews have always been, and will always be, a small minority. 26:4

God renames Jacob twice (32:28, 35:10 ). God says that Jacob will henceforth be called Israel, but the Bible continues to call him Jacob anyway (47:28-29). And even God himself calls him Jacob in 46:2. 32:28, 35:10

God calls Jacob Jacob, though he said in Gen.32:28 and 35:10 that he would no longer be called Jacob but Israel. 46:2

God promises to bring Jacob safely back from Egypt, but Jacob dies in Egypt (Gen.47:28-29) 46:3

The tribe of Judah will reign "until Shiloh," but Israel's first king (Saul) was from the tribe of Benjamin (Acts 13:21), and most of the time after this prophecy there was no king at all. 49:10

Contrary to the prophecy in 48:21, Joseph died in Egypt, not Israel. Gen.50:24

God promises to cast out many nations including the Canaanites and the Jebusites. But he was unable to fulfill his promise. 33:2

In this verse God says he will write on the stone tablets, but in 34:27 he tells Moses to do the writing. 34:1

So you see, the bible is not perfect. And just my previous explanation as to how we know life on earth is older than 6,000 years proves that the bible is wrong. So, the bible said the earth was round. The Pagans and Greeks knew this long before the bible was even written.

Sir read your bible, Paul told Timothy to study to show thyself approved. Read Romans 1:22 "Professing to be wise, they became fools." Go back two versus to Romans 1:20 "You will be without excuse when you finally meet Jesus."..................I'll pray for you.


The King
I have done my research. Did you read any of my posts. I've provided a lot of information. My research has led me too Atheism. You should do more research as well, instead of just settling on Christianity.

I believe in the word of God, which is the Bible, they way that Christians follow the bible seems the most logical to me, at least from the denomination I was once a part of they did not practice any rituals or whorship anything other the holy divine spirit which would be god.

Remember this also, you may not believe in anything but people who control the world DO, they do NOT side with god, and they have many illogical practices. Check my other thread(s) for more info and I might create an archive thread for everything to see and to help them research and gain knowledge on this and close related subjects.

Very interesting considering that the Anti-christ or false prophet may come out of the Roman Catholic Church it's possible, but Akamu the source of that video came from World's Last Chance Ministry which has a few flaws in it's views. I agreed with most of them but they do feel different from a Baptist point of view such as myself..they said on their site..."We believe that God's honest children will come out from the fallen (Babylonian) churches."
Really the true believers are those who profess that Jesus Christ is their personal savior and that he is God. Wether you come from the fallen Babylonian churches does not matter. That's something i am against when it comes to their views. The video is interesting showing that the quotes in revelation could be the description of the Catholic Church but there are also suggestions that Revelation talks about the European Union..check that out too..there is alot of talk that the EU will have the anti-christ listen to Jack Van Impe he always talks about the EU and he knows the Bible by heart.

Not all Christians, and or ministries follow the Bible the same way or correctly. Whatever the case, this video is relevant to the Revelations prophecy.

To my knowledge the anti-christ will emerge from either the Roman Catholic Church (pope), Prince William, or someone within the Bilderberg group.

I would not mind being wrong about this at all I hope the anti-christ never emerges. It's a scary thought to see this stuff written in the Bible, but it's even crazier to have the events stated actually happen in reality.
Again, you think you are saving someone, but in actuallity you are just being rude. You are doing more harm than good. You think you are right and they are wrong. Nothing you have said makes me think otherwise.

You think you are bringing God's word to them. But that other person believes they are truly following God's word. To you, the bible is fact and the truth, yet to someone else their religion is fact and truth.

Yet you call that religion a false religion. How do you feel when I call your religion false? Do you like it? Don't you see that as insulting.

So I understand why the Pharasees now killed Jesus. He was being rude. Gotcha.

I expect insults and ridicule, because Satan attacks those most who know the truth and try to do God's will. So it does not bother me, because in the end, it's not me they ridicule, but the most high God. I just hope as Jesus did that some will see the truth for what it is and accept it. It only benefits them.

But that's it in a nutshell. You are so oblivious to other people's viewpoints that you don't even realize what you are doing. You are so convinced that your religion is right, that you don't realize you could be wrong.

Im not oblivious to anyone's veiwpoints. I listen well actually, and often place myself in others shoes to see how people come to their ends of means. However, noting that with an accurate understanding of it, the bible has never been wrong, it is rather illogical for me to stray away from something that has never failed. You posted what you appear on the surface to have as contradictions, and I just tackled the first one about Adam living for 930 years, and I have not heard you even dispute it the slightest. Why? Because the bible explains itself better than any other book in existence, and once the PROPER understanding of it was rendered for you, you just moved on because it was no longer a contradiction. You were enlightened. I know a lot about quite a few religions. What other relgion has such scientific and prophetic accuracies in their manual of worship? Name one. Please try. If you're gonna say Im wrong, show me the right way, please. There has to be a right way, does it not?

A devout Buddist has just as much proof that their religion is true as you have about Christianity. I ask you again, how would you feel if a Hindu came to your door and tried to convince you to join Hinduism? Would you think they are trying to save you, or trying to change the beliefs that you know as truth? You think you are doing good by saving them from imminent danger. But the danger you speak of is not fact. It is faith.

Show me the proof of the truth to Buddism is actually true. And absolute truth, not relative truth. It is an absolute truth the God of the bible used Isaiah to prophecy of Cyrus the Persian who would conquer Babylon and lead to the restoration of the jewish temple. That happened. No relativity at all. No Im glass half full or empty sort of truth. Stone cold fact truth. It happened, so it's true. And everything the bible said about the time leading up to the end of this system has been happening just as it said it would. Show me in the Buddist manual where it talks about prophecies, or what our lifetime will be like. Or in a scientific manual. Please show me a science book that layed out such things thousands of years before hand. In fact, show me a science book from 100 years ago that did not need to be revised any to fit our time. Did they not just a little while ago change pluto from a planet to something else?? Science changes with the weather almost. Speaking of weather, wassup with this global warming? How do scientists plan to recitfy this? Jesus once walked on water, and calmed the stormy seas by telling them simply to hush. When are the mighty athiest scientist going to be able to pull stuff like that off? I mean, we can put man on the moon can't we? Why can't we control the weather here? Looking forward to reading that enlightening info. Really.

The only scientific fact that the world will end, is when our star (or sun) begins to use up all of it's hydrogen atoms. When this happens it expands to become a Red Giant and envelops our planet. This will happen in approx. 300 million years. This is fact, we see it with our own eyes in the universe all of the time. In fact, in the southern night sky this week, the star Scorpious is visible. It is a star that turned into a Red Giant. It is over 150 million light years away. Which also proves the universe is much older than you think. 150 million light years means that it took 150 million years for the light from this Red Giant to reach your eyes today. Since the speed of light is approx. 186,000 miles/second, that means Scorpious is 879,854,400,000,000,000,000 miles away from the earth.

Do you see? These are facts. Do you see the difference between facts and faith? We can see facts, we can measure facts, we can test facts, we can calculate facts.

So it's a fact that 300 million years from now, the sun blows up and turns red? says who? Who decreed that all stars must do this? And how can this be a fact when these things have been here far longer than we have, and how are we to figure out these intricasies of the universe in basically a few hundred years of advanced technology?

Now I know you hate scriptures, but a quick one will let you know why my faith is based on facts. This is what faith is.

Hebrews 11:1 says 1:Faith is the ASSURED EXPECTATION of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.

So the bibles meaning of faith is based on the demonstration of realities, though not beheld. NOT I played lotto today and I have faith im going to hit.

I have faith that men can be ressurected. Why? Because Jesus actually lived, Died and rose again. Also while alive he ressurected Lazarus 4 days after he died in front of even the very pharasees who wanted him and Lazarus both dead.

I have faith that God can heal because the bible is full of healings. I have faith God can provide food and shelter to all who serve him because he did it so many times.

I have faith that the unfulfilled prophecies in the bible will come to light in their due time... because all of the other prophecies in the bible have come true before it.

I can't always have faith in science, because science has been some good, some bad. So one can HOPE in science (fingers crossed) but to rely, many have been hindered by it. Even you would have to admit such.

Get the picture?

You cannot do that with faith. And that is where you offend people. You are so convinced your faith is right and another person's faith is wrong. You should keep YOUR faith to yourself and let other people keep THEIR faith to themselves. When you do otherwise you are being disrespectful. You are not saving them, you are being rude.

But, I know you won't keep your religion to yourself. You will go on, oblivious to other people's feelings thinking you are doing God's work all the while disrespecting everybody else. Your faith is so strong, and I commend you for it, that you cannot possibly comprehend that you're wrong. You are incappable and unwilling to understand and accept other faiths.

True faith is based on fact. So yes you can.

And I am not oblivious to other's feelings, just because I have a diff view. I don't think you are oblivous because you don't agree with me.

I also accept other faiths, because I have no choice. I accept a lot of things because I have too. We all do. Does not mean these things we accept are right. And just because you disagree with what I believe does not make you right. Especially when you have not been able to truly dispute what I believe as right.

This all came about because it was the bible versus evolution. So far, all we have for evolution is theory. Evolutionists turn their theories into fact. Where as the bible just states actual facts. Big, big difference.
Very interesting considering that the Anti-christ or false prophet may come out of the Roman Catholic Church it's possible, but Akamu the source of that video came from World's Last Chance Ministry which has a few flaws in it's views. I agreed with most of them but they do feel different from a Baptist point of view such as myself..they said on their site..."We believe that God's honest children will come out from the fallen (Babylonian) churches."
Really the true believers are those who profess that Jesus Christ is their personal savior and that he is God. Wether you come from the fallen Babylonian churches does not matter. That's something i am against when it comes to their views. The video is interesting showing that the quotes in revelation could be the description of the Catholic Church but there are also suggestions that Revelation talks about the European Union..check that out too..there is alot of talk that the EU will have the anti-christ listen to Jack Van Impe he always talks about the EU and he knows the Bible by heart.

Has not the anti Christ already been in existence?

1 john 2:18] Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

1 John 2:22] Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1st John 4:[3] And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

2nd John 2:[7] For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.