Isiah's final deadline: 2 weeks?


<a href="">ISIAH: GIVE ME 2 WEEKS</a>

Isiah seems to really want to be fired it seems. He's putting a personal deadline for improvement on himself, w/o the consent of Dolan.

If this is true, I'm rooting for losses for the next 2 weeks. A necessary evil


Isiah is all talk...what I'm saying 4 years wasn't enough already? I hate Isiah more than anyone in NBA history...Dolan gives you so much freedom and you fuck it up completely. Fuck Isiah to death and his flock of Isiahsexuals, FUCK THEM, FUCK THEM AGAINST THE WALL, WITH HANDCUFFS ON THEM AND CRAZY GLUE ON THEIR LIPS.


i hate what hes done to this proud organization now run into the ground and we werent even hit by a freakin hurricane this is some shit! happy alan didnt come back ! he would've just looked like penny lol Fuck isiah and his gay ass richard jefferson vocie! :boohoo: