Christianity in 30 Seconds


All Star
Did you read my post? I said name 1 Specific prediction that says the United States, not Israel, is going to get attacked by Iran. There's nothing in the Bible that says that the United States is going to get attacked. You also failed to find a part of the Bible that says the West is vulnerable. You said that Iran hates the U.S., but you fail to mention that so does most of the other countries in the world. The U.S. has tons of money, technology, allies, and protection. Look up Defense Support Program. Wikipedia does a good job of explaining it.
Those 4 reasons are why Iran and most other countries that hate the U.S. won't attack the U.S.

The Bible, based on what you wrote, predicts that Iran is going to attack Israel, not the United States. You also said that Magog is Russia. Correction, Magog is western Russia. The map of the Bible doesn't show any part of eastern Russia.


1)Your list of predictions are highly flawed. I read the Ezekiel chapter on my own, and it also predicts that the great army will be riding on horses. Do people still use horses for war? No

15 And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army:

16 And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

2) Your prediction also says that the countries will cover Israel as a cloud over the land. That's claiming that all the middle eastern countries will send their armies inside Israel, to the point where they completely fill the land with troops. Have we seen this? No. You can exaggerate recent wars to make it seem like this, but that hasn't happened in reality. Israel even went into Egypt, to try and take the Suez Canal, in the Suez Canal crisis. That doesn't sound like a country that's getting swarmed to me.

18 And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face.

3) The Bible also says that God will be angry. Is there proof that God is currently angry? No. You can make up that he's angry, but nobody sees him angry or knows for a fact that he's angry.

4) The Bible also says that God will send a fire on Western Russia(Magog)
Has God set Russia on fire yet? No.
Chapter 39
6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.

The predictions may be real(I don't think they are) but even if that's so, the predictions are highly flawed, as you can see from the above quotes.

Okay here's my answer, the Bible does not mention the United States in any text, why is this? Maybe because this country will not be around when these events of the Battle of Gog and Magog will occur, have you thought of it that way? How else would all the Arab nations attack Israel? They have to get rid of the U.S.A first, it's there only way because we supply them with military equipment and have a strong alliance with them. And we are a superpower. You know that every superpower in history hasn't lasted forever. The Egyptian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, The Greeks, The Roman Empire, Alexander the Great's empire, The Persian Empire, etc the list goes on...are they still super powers? Are they even in existence? Some as small countries from descendants of the people back in the day yes, but nothing more. What gives you any idea that the same can't happen to the U.S.A??? History shows from former super powers that the The United States has the same fate. Once this country falls or is weak, the attack on Israel, the prophecy in the Bible in Ezekial chapter 38-39, will happen.

I then mentioned the vulnerability of the U.S.A, I used historical proof outside of the Bible, if anything being a non-believer of the Bible I thought that would capture your attention the most, i guess it didn't. In my long post before I talked about the 1998 commission formed to show the possibility of a third world country such as Iran having the capability to attack the U.S with long range missiles. The report showed that it would only take a 5 year process for Iran to acquire such weapons, and that the United States Intel would have no knowledge of this being completed. So if Iran has long range missiles, building Nuclear weapons using Nuclear facilities funded by Russia, an overall hatred towards America and Israel, Also a country headed by a Radical Islamic Regime that call for Jihad or a Holy War,BELIEVE ALLAH WANTS THE U.S.A AND ISRAEL DESTROYED BECAUSE THAT WOULD MAKE THEIR JIHAD COMPLETE what gives you any idea that they won't attack the U.S.A??? It's a matter of time, ABCD. And I suggest you look into the Military Alliance of Iran and Russia, Iran's Nuclear program, and the belief of President Ahmadinejad. It all points to an attack of Israel and any ally with Israel because the Koran states that any friend of the Jews is an enemy and will get the same fate as the Jews, which is death. And being Radical Islamist and basing their belief around Jihad, a war is inevitable.

Now what I bolded is your answer to my story about Gog and Magog. Thanks for being more specific, but you did not realizing something I said recently that you overlooked or didn't read. I explained the history of why Magog is Russia. You say that the Bible doesn't talk about Russia nor does it even have Russia in the Biblical Map. Is the word Iran in the Biblical Map???? NO, because Iran was once called Persia, which IS IN THE BIBLICAL MAP. So therefore, Persia=Iran. Now onto Russia. I explained that The Magogites, the people of Magog, are the people who the Greeks called Scythians. These are the people group who settled North of the Black and the Caspian Sea in what we now call Russia and the former Soviet Republics. If you look at your own map in the North there is an area called Scythians Ashchenaz, this is now present day Russia along with Magog. And in the Bible it is described as the "uttermost part of the North" which shows that Russia is the only solution. Now how else would Russian troops travel to Israel? From the Western area of Russia going South, correct? So if Magog(Western Russia) is one of the areas attacking Israel, then it is all of Russia attacking Israel from the North and traveling South to Israel. Russia is not split into an East or West, it is a whole. And it will be a land attack as mentioned in Daniel 11:40. Thank you for proving my point, do you see now what I am talking about?

Onto your 4 reasons....

Your first reason talks about how horses and the equipment described by the enemy forces are things not used today. That is correct but if you have read stories of the Bible many visual representations may actually be represented differently to the human eye. For example in the end times the Anti-Christ is said to be a Beast that deceives the world into loving him. Well we know that a Beast with fangs, red eyes, spiky hair, claws etc would scare the hell out of the world and the entire story of the Anti-Christ would be false because of it's visual representation. By saying Beast, it means someone who is as cunning and deadly as a Beast therefore the visual representation will present itself in a human like form. Now with the the visual representation of the horses...being that horses were a main form of military transportation back in the day the Bible was written, we can assume that the visions described in Ezekiel 38 are of the modern day military transportation. This can turn out being military vehicles such as Tanks, Hummers with machine guns, etc. There were also visions of "birds with crowns", this can easily be a helicopter with the crown being the propeller, and the bird being the body of the helicopter, and the wings being a machine gun or missile launcher attachment. So you see how visual representations in the Bible can mean something different in modern times. The answer to the horses and equipment is still debated and many scholars have their own theory on the topic. For the most part the conclusion is that it is a visual representation of an overwhelming amount of military personal, equipment and transportation that will come like a cloud to cover the land.

Your second reason talks about that there has never been a time when all of the Arab nations have filled Israel with troops, I know this hasn't happened yet. This is a prophecy waiting to be full-filled, my friend. I am showing you events as of right now that will prompt this event to happen, it's up to you whether you want to look into it, if you ignore what I am telling you then there is no point in having this discussion. You should not argue with me on end time events when you believe that they were all meant to happen already. All of Revelation and parts of Ezekial, which discuss the end times, is still yet to occur. This is why many people who debate on the Bible should study it before they argue about it, for the Bible states they will look like fools.

Your third reason, you ask if God is currently angry. When these events occur such as Gog and Magog, God will show his Wrath not anger by destroying the invading enemy army and defending Israel. During the Tribulation period and all of Revelation is Jesus revealing himself to the Jews. The Wrath of God will be on all non-believers because God gives man every opportunity to be saved through Jesus, and they will still reject him as the Messiah.

Your fourth reason about God setting Russia(Magog) on fire, you have to understand the these are visions that will happen in the very near future. Due to the fact that it hasn't happened yet doesn't make it a false prophecy. And so you know in your reasoning you put Gog as Russia, wrong, Gog is a ruler or dictator and the phrase "Gog of Magog" means Ruler of Russia.

Conclusion, I do have more specific information on the Battle of Gog and Magog and actually a time line in chronological order of what events will occur, why, and how. My source of information is the Bible, Joel C. Rosenberg, former political officials, and Dr. H.L. Wilmington who have all talked about the end time prophecy and how it is happening in the world today.

Okay here's my answer, the Bible does not mention the United States in any text, why is this? Maybe because this country will not be around when these events of the Battle of Gog and Magog will occur, have you thought of it that way? How else would all the Arab nations attack Israel? They have to get rid of the U.S.A first, it's there only way because we supply them with military equipment and have a strong alliance with them. And we are a superpower. You know that every superpower in history hasn't lasted forever. The Egyptian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, The Greeks, The Roman Empire, Alexander the Great's empire, The Persian Empire, etc the list goes on...are they still super powers? Are they even in existence? Some as small countries from descendants of the people back in the day yes, but nothing more. What gives you any idea that the same can't happen to the U.S.A??? History shows from former super powers that the The United States has the same fate. Once this country falls or is weak, the attack on Israel, the prophecy in the Bible in Ezekial chapter 38-39, will happen.

I then mentioned the vulnerability of the U.S.A, I used historical proof outside of the Bible, if anything being a non-believer of the Bible I thought that would capture your attention the most, i guess it didn't. In my long post before I talked about the 1998 commission formed to show the possibility of a third world country such as Iran having the capability to attack the U.S with long range missiles. The report showed that it would only take a 5 year process for Iran to acquire such weapons, and that the United States Intel would have no knowledge of this being completed. So if Iran has long range missiles, building Nuclear weapons using Nuclear facilities funded by Russia, an overall hatred towards America and Israel, Also a country headed by a Radical Islamic Regime that call for Jihad or a Holy War,BELIEVE ALLAH WANTS THE U.S.A AND ISRAEL DESTROYED BECAUSE THAT WOULD MAKE THEIR JIHAD COMPLETE what gives you any idea that they won't attack the U.S.A??? It's a matter of time, ABCD. And I suggest you look into the Military Alliance of Iran and Russia, Iran's Nuclear program, and the belief of President Ahmadinejad. It all points to an attack of Israel and any ally with Israel because the Koran states that any friend of the Jews is an enemy and will get the same fate as the Jews, which is death. And being Radical Islamist and basing their belief around Jihad, a war is inevitable.

Now what I bolded is your answer to my story about Gog and Magog. Thanks for being more specific, but you did not realizing something I said recently that you overlooked or didn't read. I explained the history of why Magog is Russia. You say that the Bible doesn't talk about Russia nor does it even have Russia in the Biblical Map. Is the word Iran in the Biblical Map???? NO, because Iran was once called Persia, which IS IN THE BIBLICAL MAP. So therefore, Persia=Iran. Now onto Russia. I explained that The Magogites, the people of Magog, are the people who the Greeks called Scythians. These are the people group who settled North of the Black and the Caspian Sea in what we now call Russia and the former Soviet Republics. If you look at your own map in the North there is an area called Scythians Ashchenaz, this is now present day Russia along with Magog. And in the Bible it is described as the "uttermost part of the North" which shows that Russia is the only solution. Now how else would Russian troops travel to Israel? From the Western area of Russia going South, correct? So if Magog(Western Russia) is one of the areas attacking Israel, then it is all of Russia attacking Israel from the North and traveling South to Israel. Russia is not split into an East or West, it is a whole. And it will be a land attack as mentioned in Daniel 11:40. Thank you for proving my point, do you see now what I am talking about?

Onto your 4 reasons....

Your first reason talks about how horses and the equipment described by the enemy forces are things not used today. That is correct but if you have read stories of the Bible many visual representations may actually be represented differently to the human eye. For example in the end times the Anti-Christ is said to be a Beast that deceives the world into loving him. Well we know that a Beast with fangs, red eyes, spiky hair, claws etc would scare the hell out of the world and the entire story of the Anti-Christ would be false because of it's visual representation. By saying Beast, it means someone who is as cunning and deadly as a Beast therefore the visual representation will present itself in a human like form. Now with the the visual representation of the horses...being that horses were a main form of military transportation back in the day the Bible was written, we can assume that the visions described in Ezekiel 38 are of the modern day military transportation. This can turn out being military vehicles such as Tanks, Hummers with machine guns, etc. There were also visions of "birds with crowns", this can easily be a helicopter with the crown being the propeller, and the bird being the body of the helicopter, and the wings being a machine gun or missile launcher attachment. So you see how visual representations in the Bible can mean something different in modern times. The answer to the horses and equipment is still debated and many scholars have their own theory on the topic. For the most part the conclusion is that it is a visual representation of an overwhelming amount of military personal, equipment and transportation that will come like a cloud to cover the land.

Your second reason talks about that there has never been a time when all of the Arab nations have filled Israel with troops, I know this hasn't happened yet. This is a prophecy waiting to be full-filled, my friend. I am showing you events as of right now that will prompt this event to happen, it's up to you whether you want to look into it, if you ignore what I am telling you then there is no point in having this discussion. You should not argue with me on end time events when you believe that they were all meant to happen already. All of Revelation and parts of Ezekial, which discuss the end times, is still yet to occur. This is why many people who debate on the Bible should study it before they argue about it, for the Bible states they will look like fools.

Your third reason, you ask if God is currently angry. When these events occur such as Gog and Magog, God will show his Wrath not anger by destroying the invading enemy army and defending Israel. During the Tribulation period and all of Revelation is Jesus revealing himself to the Jews. The Wrath of God will be on all non-believers because God gives man every opportunity to be saved through Jesus, and they will still reject him as the Messiah.

Your fourth reason about God setting Russia(Magog) on fire, you have to understand the these are visions that will happen in the very near future. Due to the fact that it hasn't happened yet doesn't make it a false prophecy. And so you know in your reasoning you put Gog as Russia, wrong, Gog is a ruler or dictator and the phrase "Gog of Magog" means Ruler of Russia.

Conclusion, I do have more specific information on the Battle of Gog and Magog and actually a time line in chronological order of what events will occur, why, and how. My source of information is the Bible, Joel C. Rosenberg, former political officials, and Dr. H.L. Wilmington who have all talked about the end time prophecy and how it is happening in the world today.
You basically weren't able to answer why those flaws are in there. I respect your views, though, and it's good that you at least didn't try to twist things from the Bible, like a lot of people like to do. You just said that they'll come true in the future, and I respect that you're not trying to make things up. My point was to show you reasons why I have doubt, and there's other things from the Ezekial, that also makes me doubt. I only wrote a few, just to name some.
What does Israel do, that warrant's Jehovah protecting them from other countries attacking it? They have no temple, no Ark of the covenant, they do not even believe that Jesus is the messiah, and they do not preach the good news of the Kingdom.

So what tells a person God is protecting Isreal? In the bible, God did not use other countries to protect Isreal, he himself protected them. If not for the US trying to earn God's favor and police the world, Isreal would be an afterthought. So is it really Go protetcting them, or the worlds leading power?


What does Israel do, that warrant's Jehovah protecting them from other countries attacking it? They have no temple, no Ark of the covenant, they do not even believe that Jesus is the messiah, and they do not preach the good news of the Kingdom.

So what tells a person God is protecting Isreal? In the bible, God did not use other countries to protect Isreal, he himself protected them. If not for the US trying to earn God's favor and police the world, Isreal would be an afterthought. So is it really Go protetcting them, or the worlds leading power?

I want to destroy the Israelites...

Off topic, but true.


All Star
You basically weren't able to answer why those flaws are in there. I respect your views, though, and it's good that you at least didn't try to twist things from the Bible, like a lot of people like to do. You just said that they'll come true in the future, and I respect that you're not trying to make things up. My point was to show you reasons why I have doubt, and there's other things from the Ezekial, that also makes me doubt. I only wrote a few, just to name some.

Thanks for your respect, I thought I answered your flaws using The Bible and other outside sources. Anyways, it's good that you notice some Christians do warp the Bible, and to me that is worse than being Atheist or a even an anti-Christian leader lol. Because to change the words of the Bible is one of the worst sins man could make, this is written in the Bible itself...kind of ironic how some "believers" still do it. I said that these events will come true in the future because I see enough going on in this world to realize that the events are all falling into place. It's a puzzle waiting to be complete. Also the fact that over 300 prophecies in the Bible have already come true and not one is false. I hear some Atheist on this site say that they have proof of false prophecies, well I'd like to see their knowledge on the Bible first, then show me the proof if there is any. You have to understand that many people like yourself, say that the Bible is flawed hear and there, but you can mis-interpret it or not fully understand it very easily and not even know. And that is the problem with almost every anti-Christian debater, they don't understand the Bible well enough and if they did, they wouldn't be debating against the most famous and powerful book ever written.

You may have doubts about Ezekial basically because you dont fully understand what is written in each verse or chapter, it;s very common even for Chritsitans. If you like, you can give me some areas in Ezekial you are confused with and I will answer the questions for you...see if you are satisifed with my answers on the Bible. I want to help you understand it.
I want to destroy the Israelites...

Off topic, but true.

Lol... I ain't saying I wanna see em destroyed, but I'm just lost as to why the world seems to think God protects them. That thought actually goes against anything the bible says. God only seems to protect those who know and love him. And the Jews sadly do not exibit this.


God only seems to protect those who know and love him.

This is a terrible thing to say and why I do not worship your God. What an a**hole. "Love me and worship me and I will protect you...otherwise piss off!". This is essentially what your arrogant megalomaniac is saying.

What evidence do you have of God protecting anybody? Any example you give, I can answer with an example of the same people experienceing tragedy and loss.
This is a terrible thing to say and why I do not worship your God. What an a**hole. "Love me and worship me and I will protect you...otherwise piss off!". This is essentially what your arrogant megalomaniac is saying.

What evidence do you have of God protecting anybody? Any example you give, I can answer with an example of the same people experienceing tragedy and loss.
First of all, as usual, you are taking things purely out of context. For instance, You don't know, or care about God at all, and he still has allowed you to live and enjoy your life the way you see fit.

But there is a difference between allowing someone to live their life to their standards, and protecting those who do your will as far as God is concerned.

John 3:16 says “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.

So in essence, God is not really telling anyone to piss off. In essence God has invited EVERYONE to live forever if they have faith in his son. So if you don't get life, it's not because God told you to piss off, it's because YOU TOLD GOD TO PISS OFF.

I wonder if you were the type of kid that said your parents did not love you because they expected you to do well in school for some of the things you wanted, and when you didn't, they did not reward you. You probably felt like you deserved to be rewarded for not doing well. At least that seems to be the standard you hold Jehovah too. Do for me even though I don't care to do what you say. And what is more selfish than that?
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And to your question of what evidence I have of God protecting people, I'll throw at you, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jesus. These all recieved the ultimate protection. They all were deemed worthy of life even when they died. That means there was nothing anyone could do about it. God was going to make all of them live again. What more protection is there?


This is a terrible thing to say and why I do not worship your God. What an a**hole. "Love me and worship me and I will protect you...otherwise piss off!". This is essentially what your arrogant megalomaniac is saying.

What evidence do you have of God protecting anybody? Any example you give, I can answer with an example of the same people experienceing tragedy and loss.

The mafia does the same's called "PROTECTION" as well.
The mafia does the same's called "PROTECTION" as well.
That's right. Raise the children to reap rewards without respect, hardwork and discipline. That is better than having them respect, work hard, and be disciplined. Just like it's ok for anyone to have sex so long they use condoms. Even 10 year olds:barf: Hey, at least they are being responsible!


That's right. Raise the children to reap rewards without respect, hardwork and discipline. That is better than having them respect, work hard, and be disciplined. Just like it's ok for anyone to have sex so long they use condoms. Even 10 year olds:barf: Hey, at least they are being responsible!

Another words GOD IS A THUG. A petty one at that. Just because you can't fathom the idea of others having responsible sex lives, doesn't mean you have the authority from some magic book to decide how others should choose to live their lives.

Another words GOD IS A THUG. A petty one at that. Just because you can't fathom the idea of others having responsible sex lives, doesn't mean you have the authority from some magic book to decide how others should choose to live their lives.


I guess responsible parents are thugs too. Cuz I dou bt any responsi ble parent would allow their kid to run roughshod i n their household and in school and still reward them lol. But you would! Cuz you have a new agenda! The higher viewpoint! Let's all let Knicksfanforrealz babysit! He'll teach our 10 year olds sex is ok with condoms and they are being responsible with their lives so long as they use them!

Please, do not open a daycare anytime soon.:teeth:
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I guess responsible parents are thugs too. Cuz I dou bt any responsi ble parent would allow their kid to run roughshod i n their household and in school and still reward them lol. But you would! Cuz you have a new agenda! The higher viewpoint! Let's all let Knicksfanforrealz babysit! He'll teach our 10 year olds sex is ok and they are being responsible with their lives so long as they use them!

Please, do not open a daycare anytime soon.:teeth:

Teaching your kid responsible sexual behavior is what a normal loving parent would do. Not fill their heads with tales of imaginary friends that are always going to exist with them, and watch every single move them commit throughout the entire life. Not teaching them the same device that created them SEX is something dirty and to be ashamed of, but rather something beautiful and elegant. And that it also holds great power, and very strong consequences and that engaging in such while your not ready while not wise...certainly is not the end of the world.

As well if you are going to engage in sexual activity to be as safe as you possibly can...having the knowledge to recognize infections, diseases..and riskier sexual behavior.

I'm raising an adult..not a child.

There are some parents who prepare their children to grow up, and others who never grow at all.
Teaching your kid responsible sexual behavior is what a normal loving parent would do. Not fill their heads with tales of imaginary friends that are always going to exist with them, and watch every single move them commit throughout the entire life. Not teaching them the same device that created them SEX is something dirty and to be ashamed of, but rather something beautiful and elegant. And that it also holds great power, and very strong consequences and that engaging in such while your not ready while not wise...certainly is not the end of the world.

As well if you are going to engage in sexual activity to be as safe as you possibly can...having the knowledge to recognize infections, diseases..and riskier sexual behavior.

I'm raising an adult..not a child.

There are some parents who prepare their children to grow up, and others who never grow at all.

Yo son , you're 8, she's 8. You think she's cute, she thinks you're cute. Here's a Jimmy hat, tap that! It's all good, cuz you're being responsible, just like I am as an adult, telling you an 8 year old to have sex, cuz it's fun and this is how you will know if you are sexually compatible enough to marry in 10 years! You have to tap it first! But throw this on and you straight!


I wonder if you were the type of kid that said your parents did not love you because they expected you to do well in school for some of the things you wanted, and when you didn't, they did not reward you. You probably felt like you deserved to be rewarded for not doing well. At least that seems to be the standard you hold Jehovah too. Do for me even though I don't care to do what you say. And what is more selfish than that?

If parents are never around (like God) and abandoned their children (like God) then they wouldn't deserve respect either. A parent has to earn respect by raising their children well and being a responsible adult. Respect is not a privelage, it is earned.

And to your question of what evidence I have of God protecting people, I'll throw at you, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jesus. These all recieved the ultimate protection. They all were deemed worthy of life even when they died. That means there was nothing anyone could do about it. God was going to make all of them live again. What more protection is there?

I meant real people. Not fictional people.
If parents are never around (like God) and abandoned their children (like God) then they wouldn't deserve respect either. A parent has to earn respect by raising their children well and being a responsible adult. Respect is not a privelage, it is earned.
So your parents had to earn your respect? Hmm, I just naturally gave mine respect because, my dad could have simply let me drip down his leg. I was able to have a roof over my head, eat every day, and have decent clothes. I had a healthy respect for education, when a lot of the friends I grew up with chose not to get on the bus, due to my parents. I did not need to grow up to realize I had to respect them, I saw the things I was incapable of doing on my own at a tender age, and respect crept in from that point on, because their are plenty of kids who did not have such things. But hey, that's just me. I'm a respectful and appreciative kinda individual to all who have helped me in my young and old age. Thanks to all again.

I meant real people. Not fictional people.
I thought you said Jesus was real? Now he's not? Dang you're wishy washy.


So your parents had to earn your respect? Hmm, I just naturally gave mine respect because, my dad could have simply let me drip down his leg. I was able to have a roof over my head, eat every day, and have decent clothes. I had a healthy respect for education, when a lot of the friends I grew up with chose not to get on the bus, due to my parents. I did not need to grow up to realize I had to respect them, I saw the things I was incapable of doing on my own at a tender age, and respect crept in from that point on, because their are plenty of kids who did not have such things. But hey, that's just me. I'm a respectful and appreciative kinda individual to all who have helped me in my young and old age. Thanks to all again.

So, if your parents had abandoned you when you were born (or "let you drip down his leg" as you say it), you still would have given them respect? Why?

Any dumb motherf*cker can have a child. A parent earns respect when they are a good parent. I don't respect people that abandon their children. But I guess you do.

I thought you said Jesus was real? Now he's not? Dang you're wishy washy.

Jesus may have existed, but he wasn't the son of god and he didn't receive protection.

You still can't give me a real example of god protecting anybody.

If God only protects the ones that truly know him and love him, and Jehovah's Witnesses are the only group of people that truly know him and love him, why did God not protect them from the holocaust (like the Jews)? Roughly 5,000 Jehovah's Witnesses were murdered as part of the holocaust.

What about the thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses that have died because they refused blood tranfusions? Why didn't God protect them?
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Yo son , you're 8, she's 8. You think she's cute, she thinks you're cute. Here's a Jimmy hat, tap that! It's all good, cuz you're being responsible, just like I am as an adult, telling you an 8 year old to have sex, cuz it's fun and this is how you will know if you are sexually compatible enough to marry in 10 years! You have to tap it first! But throw this on and you straight!

Not even going to dignify this stupid ass comment from a religious fool with a response.
So, if your parents had abandoned you when you were born (or "let you drip down his leg" as you say it), you still would have given them respect? Why?
First, if my dad woulda let me drip down his leg, I would not likely be here lol. That was an intended ha, ha moment, designed to loosen up the tension in the thread. Everyone mad for no reason. Including me at times.

Not condoning parents abandoning their kids, but I do condone forgiveness and understanding. My mom fell to crack in the 80's. That forced my sister and I to have to live with granny. Because of my mom, I was reading out of time magazine at 4, and her premium on education has helped me throughout my life. Should I forget the things she did before she fell to drugs and not forgive and understand that she is only human just like me? We all do messed up things in this skin we're in. Does not excuse it, but forgiveness puts a bandaid over it and the wound will eventually heal.

On the flipside, God has abandoned no one. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were perfect. That means they could always practice perfect judgment. That also means by sinning they chose to deliberately disobey God, and deserved the punishment of death being they wanted to become like God, in the sense they wanted to live apart from the one who provided their life. So he allowed them too.

But God knew that their children would unfairly be caught in the curse of sin and death, so like any loving parent, instead of abandoning us, he provided the way out of sin and death for us through his son. That means all of us have an open invitation to recieve that blessing, but we must take him up on the offer, not scoff at it. You are choosing to scoff at the way out for whatever reasons personal to you. But that just means you have rejected God's offer of redemption, not that he abandoned you.

Any dumb motherf*cker can have a child. A parent earns respect when they are a good parent. I don't respect people that abandon their children. But I guess you do.
Well I just think that forgiveness is better than staying angry at things we can't control. I will be worse off having pinned up frustration at why my mom chose drugs over taking care of her kids, then to realize sometimes bad things happen to good people, or that bad things just happen due to imperfection in a messed up world. This way, I move forward and can be less stressed andbetter off for having an optimistic viewpoint than a negative.

Besides, I think I read somewhere that people live longer who have an optimistic view of things than not. All I know is it works for me. And I can't see how it can be a bad thing.

Jesus may have existed, but he wasn't the son of god and he didn't receive protection.

You still can't give me a real example of god protecting anybody.

Not existed, but EXISTS. He is the son of God, and God protected him by raising him to immortality after his wrongful death. The ressurection is the best protection one can have. And Jehovah protects his people today in various ways besides that hope. Protects them with the truth of his word, so they would not have to revel in the lies of false relisgion. Protects them from the world by them staying out of it, whether politically or in wars and such. Protects them from contracting disease from blood transfusions and such when people were once scoffing at the notion at a time, until they started to figure out diseases were being passed along because of them. Now non blood transfusions are becoming more and more common.

Just a few points in how God protects his people.