Would the NBA consider a no salary cap league?

I'm just wondering if the NBA would do this. Maybe set it up similar to MLB where if you go over a certain dollar amount spent on salaries you pay a penalty. It doesnt seem to hurt baseball. I wonder if the NBA players association is even discussing this with Stern.


small city owners wont allow this... they will never be able to compete and they will also have all the good draft picks.. a bunch of young teams that wont be able to afford their players once the rookie salary expires


I can't see any of the owners wanting this. They're already complaining about the value of current contracts as it is, no salary cap would drive up the market value for all of the players across the board. Mega Stars would be making 150M+ (from big market teams obviously) and then that just shifts the scale up for everyone else. Owners would be getting seriously F'd in the A.

Their stance is to slash salaries, no cap allows absurd deals like the one A-rod got. Then whenever someone has a good season in their contact year they can hit the jackpot and get $96M over 6 years like Beltre, as apposed to the 5 years $60M that we wanna sign Chandler to.
It totally killed baseball. You have teams like the yankees with 200+ million payrolls that pretty much have an all-star team every season while other teams have 40M payrolls and are in last every season. That's the last thing I want for the NBA.


Sexy Stud
Honestly I'd rather win by building to the top instead of paying our way to a championship like the Yankees. I like having a salary cap. More parity in the league.


Money doesn't guarantee that you'll be a winner.If you have any doubts about that, go ask the Mets and the Cubs.