Forum upgrade - List of new features


Staff member
Ever since the vBulletin licence expired back in 2007, the forum didn't get any upgrades and in 5 years a lot of new stuff have been developed by the programmers from Jelsoft and Internet Brands later. I myself stopped following the development so most of the new features are new for me too.

I thought about starting this thread and post the most important facts that changed over the years, from 3.6.7 to the current version, according to the official vB announcements. Some of the changes are really nice!


Staff member
vBulletin 3.7

- Thread tagging
- Thread prefixes
- Public messaging between users
- User-created social groups
- New member profile page and customization


Staff member
The new forum is 98% done, the biggest bug has been fixed and I will probably do the switch next week, i'll announce it though! Stay tuned! :D


Staff member
this weekend i think, i'll make the announcement tomorrow and figure out an hour with less traffic because i'll have to shut the forum down while i upgrade it!


Grid or Riot
Good point, I've been keepin my boner up for a half a week now.


Huge Member
The bottom part of the forum index has randomly disappeared for me, you know the part that has who's online, all of that stuff. Is that an intentional change or is there something wrong on my end?

Edit - it's an adblock issue, if I block ads that bottom part doesn't show. Weird because that wasn't happening up until an hour ago.


Staff member
No need for a new thread but i made a change to the main font (as you might have already notice) this forum was using, that old Verdana was getting dull, how do you like it?