Obi is nobody, like the rest of nobodys we keep brining up in this forum (Nilikina, Knox....etc.)
There is no WE in keep bringing up Frank and Knox.
IT JUST ME DRAGON…. I’m one that wants to have a championship… and believe they were the makings of that championship. How about KP and Kornet they were part of an F.O. organization that understood how to win and knew talent.
See Dragon if none of those players didn’t win a championship then you would be correct. Where is the championship from the people who got rid of all Phil players? There isn’t one and I hope all are gone out of the organization.
I have tried RESPECTFULLY to get you to understand the nature of the beast you are dealing with in today’s NBA organization.
You have let over 5 Years go by trying to prop up failures.
1. Not knowing how to win a championship.
2. Not knowing talent.
3. Not having a system setup to identify talent in High School… that right and follow them.
These are things YOU and those like you never question… Never said a word… and if you did your voice soon went silent.
4. Not grooming your talent on there success( Knox averaged over 12 points his rookie year… you build off that not bench him).
**Why didn’t they DRAGON??
Those of us that sounded the alarm about Perry, Mills and Craig Robinson went unheard and ignored. All of you thought they were smarter than the man that win the most CHAMPIONSHIPS.
We(meaning me and you) could have won a championship if Phil and his players had stayed. But those NOBODIES were discarded.
And you and I still have no championship!! Could those nobodies have done BETTER??
They certainly couldn’t have done worse, lol.