what do you mean we and you have a Lin avatar and gonna say he got the last laugh, he didn't do **** this game he was average definitely worth 25mil though
**** outta here with this bull**** this game was lost by us not won by the Rockets and damn sure not won by Lin
u and Takman are in DENIAL .... Everyone seen the writing on the wall, even Jason Kidd went into relax-mode in this game when he seen it was personal in the first quarter .. Lin & Douglas team-leadership vs Melo & Felton team-leadership.
We had NO-Ball movement at all for 48 minutes .... Why?
I watched a Knicks vs Rocket game which had 35 minutes of NO-Defense at all from Melo & JR, and 30 minutes of NO-Defense from Felton, plus Melo taking half of his 24 shots from the 3-ball line and the other 12 shots were practically jumpers with Melo having long conferences with the referee about a no-foul call while the ball in motion down court. Melo gave up 7 turnovers to two hated defenders (ex-Knicks) Douglas & Lin who attacked Melo everytime he put the ball on the floor, plus having a young Patterson boxing-out PF-Melo from entering the paint (4 rebounds), while Harden & Parson both receive several screens by teammates to score 31 points (a piece) on defenders Melo, Novak, and JR .. Yeah right! Lin & Douglas personal grudge of run-run energy getting payback against Melo had nothing to do with the Knicks playing pathetic basketball.
Tyson Chandler 28 minutes of embarrassement being double-punk by Asik & Patterson in the paint shouldve seen the writing on the wall and join-hands with Rasheed, Camby, and Stat on the side line .. Tyson Chandler frontcourt bigmen leadership got out-rebounded by Houston Rockets 49 to 30 ....
The Knicks played pathetic basketball in a 131-103 LOSS to the Houston Rockets .. I guess the bright side of it all is Carmelo Anthony scored 37 points .. while Knicks commentators reminded Knicks fans that Felton had a better stat record than Lin in this game .... LOL who got the big W for a team-performance scoring 131 points???? where was the Knicks DEFENSE? u have to be in denial if u didnt see Lin, Douglas, Harden, Parson, Paterson, and Asik's DEFENSE...