Opening a new thread


Staff member
Welcome all the new posters first of all, these are exciting times for Knicks fans so we're happy to have a louder message board. But there's one thing i'd like to ask you all: before opening a new thread, make sure there isn't already one that's on the same subject or fits the topic you want to start. It's very difficult having to browse through so many active threads all saying basically the same thing. It's unorganized, hard to follow and the message gets diluted. We've had dozens of Melo threads just the last month but once everybody decided to stick on one, everything went smooth from then on.

For example: Do we really need 3 different threads on JJ?

We do have a search function as well, so if you're not sure about a thing, i strongly suggest to use it. It really works! And will help keep the forum easier to read.

In the meanwhile i've merged some of the talks that was going on multiple threads.

Happy posting!:gony:
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What would you say if one were to find a relevant thread that was quite old? Is it really better to necro-post in that old thread instead of creating a fresh one where you can better express your own specific opinion?

I totally understand your point on topics that have very recent threads though. That is basic forum etiquette and anyone that's been around the innernets for a while should know that. :beer:
My concern is about duplicate active threads. However, if you find an older thread that's relevant to what you are posting, you can reactivate the old topic.
@rady: we've got multiple threads about Tyson Chandler (at least 6), Chris Paul (at least 14) and Chauncey Billups (more than 3), could you please clear this mess up? ;)
I understand during this free agency everything changes minute to minute, but it's getting unorganized when a poster is opening a thread to share a news that another poster posted in another thread just few minutes earlier...
it can be cleared if people just read the forum before posting. that simple, not to sound messed up or anything but thats how it is.
I just merged all the welcome Chandler threads from the first page, please everybody, when we have 4 different threads on the same topic it's not right. If you just take 30 seconds to check the fresh talks we could make this forum more usable.:beer:
I couldn't find any technical issues thread, so I'm going to post it here: guys, does the Balkmania thread redirect you to YouTube?