Bosh SnT to Houston?


Steven A. Smith reporting on ESPN radio that Chris Bosh will not accept any deal less than 6 year max deal and Houston is in the mix because of their assets of picks and vet players.

The issue with the plan to have the James/Wade/Bosh trio team was Bosh insisting on getting not one cent less than the MAX. Similar issues with other scenarions teaming up with James or Wade. That is why he is now working with Houston and Toronto on a SnT that will send him to Houston. But things are fluid at the moment.


Steven A. Smith reporting on ESPN radio that Chris Bosh will not accept any deal less than 6 year max deal and Houston is in the mix because of their assets of picks and vet players.

The issue with the plan to have the James/Wade/Bosh trio team was Bosh insisting on getting not one cent less than the MAX. Similar issues with other scenarions teaming up with James or Wade. That is why he is now working with Houston and Toronto on a SnT that will send him to Houston. But things are fluid at the moment.

I have been saying this about bosh all along; MERC.