Congrats Metro.

21 Shump Street

Crazy8s GOAT game thread maker has left this site due to your obsessiveness and lack of ability to listen to other posters.

He had a good point and the right thing to do would be to stop over moderating the front page with player news and performance threads, looked much better the other way.

No doubt you'll probably delete this thread too but this site has gotten progressively worse since you become a mod. Sad day for KO as we have lost our MVP who put in a great amount of effort into this sight and was a terrific poster. No disrespect to any of the other mods you do a great job.

Go follow Crazy8.
No one knows who you are on this site. You zero contributions and if you leave today, the forum will have thoughtless memories of you.
Before you come here talking a bucket load of crap; check yourself because you definitely ain't no solution here.
Crazy8 made himself leave the forum. I was passive the entire time till he started harassing my PM's and diverting the topic into 3-4 different threads. Why am I taking blame for a situation that was started and instigated in the first place? Every attempt Crazy had to throw insults or pointlessly rant, I moved it to a different section of the forum, non Knick related.

What is hilarious is that if this situation was the other way around where I was harassing Crazy through PMs, cursing him out, you guys would cry from the connection of some gayass online relationship with a guy you never met, so the bias is heavy.

You share Crazy8s obsessive you really care that much that your life can't move on, you pouring your emotions out? Exposing yourself here desperately. You guys really sound like a bunch of b*tches at a Victoria Secret store where their main item was sold out. Put some testerone into your body, your manlove for the guy in this thread is on FULL BLAST. I would edit that post so you come off looking so homosexual.

Not only you don't look like an individual, but just another testicle for Crazy.

The other mods here aren't even active for you to say anything about them, so you're full of sh*t. A forum is a forum, you come here to talk about basketball, not stress out how pretty it looks especially since you probably look like a pieceof**** in real life. I kept this forum up to date by posting recent articles, opening conversations, debates, and a variety of discussions for members to be active, and anyone who really hates on that is full of crock, can't let go of a personal vendetta from the past or are just afraid to confront me. I'm tired of these posh posters having sympathy for a wimp ass dude like Crazy8. Softcore posters easily amused by glitter. Do what you want, but come around here giving me sh*t.

He couldn't handle an opinion and cried over it. Crazy8 lost, exposed himself as a weak person.
He especially exposed himself as a fraud, announcing 3 times in 2 days that he was leaving the site, and his weakass cried when his farewell thread got moved. If that's not emotional I don't know what is. Even worse, Crazy8 is exposing himself by sending out his fairymen to speak for him.


Gay-online-relationships. Considering your worth in life when you're sent to do duties for a guy who cries over a poll on an internet forum.
A great job? This isn't even a real job. Find a girlfriend and take down that Crazy8 poster in your room, you mariconassdude. You're never going to meet Crazy8s in real life, no matter how hard you dream about it, and if you do then both of you guys can give each other the manliest blowjobs till you past out.

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No one can give me lip about ranting now because apparently when Crazy8 does it, it's not an issue. Apparently the issue lies with me moving his rants to the other thread. But it was settled, I openly agreed to the suggestion of letting recently hot news topics rock out in the forums. If you didn't read up on that, then you failed to investigate this "fued". It wasn't a difficult thing to discuss. But the cheerleading squad will patrol this thread and give me some soft sentimental crap. I ain't mad at ya, but I wouldn't mind slamming a left hook to one you idiots.
So because I stated Crazy made good contributions to this forum, you go on a tangent about a gay love relationship online? Wow. Matter of the fact is that it's pretty sad that you've chosen to delete the threads in which crazy raised issues.

The board did look much better under the older format and it was easier to locate the new stories. I'm just raising legitimate points, think about that before you continue to go on about how ugly I must be or how badly I need a girlfriend or how much of a champ you are and want to give me a left hook.

I guess the NBA all time worst Bobcats are a playoff team huh? :boohoo:

Rady, time to save the forum before Metrocard becomes an online Layden & Doaln. Im out boys

Go follow Crazy8.
No one knows who you are on this site. You zero contributions and if you leave today, the forum will have thoughtless memories of you.
Before you come here talking a bucket load of crap; check yourself because you definitely ain't no solution here.
Crazy8 made himself leave the forum. I was passive the entire time till he started harassing my PM's and diverting the topic into 3-4 different threads. Why am I taking blame for a situation that was started and instigated in the first place? Every attempt Crazy had to throw insults or pointlessly rant, I moved it to a different section of the forum, non Knick related.

What is hilarious is that if this situation was the other way around where I was harassing Crazy through PMs, cursing him out, you guys would cry from the connection of some gayass online relationship with a guy you never met, so the bias is heavy.

You share Crazy8s obsessive you really care that much that your life can't move on, you pouring your emotions out? Exposing yourself here desperately. You guys really sound like a bunch of b*tches at a Victoria Secret store where their main item was sold out. Put some testerone into your body, your manlove for the guy in this thread is on FULL BLAST. I would edit that post so you come off looking so homosexual.

Not only you don't look like an individual, but just another testicle for Crazy.

The other mods here aren't even active for you to say anything about them, so you're full of sh*t. A forum is a forum, you come here to talk about basketball, not stress out how pretty it looks especially since you probably look like a pieceof**** in real life. I kept this forum up to date by posting recent articles, opening conversations, debates, and a variety of discussions for members to be active, and anyone who really hates on that is full of crock, can't let go of a personal vendetta from the past or are just afraid to confront me. I'm tired of these posh posters having sympathy for a wimp ass dude like Crazy8. Softcore posters easily amused by glitter. Do what you want, but come around here giving me sh*t.

He couldn't handle an opinion and cried over it. Crazy8 lost, exposed himself as a weak person.
He especially exposed himself as a fraud, announcing 3 times in 2 days that he was leaving the site, and his weakass cried when his farewell thread got moved. If that's not emotional I don't know what is. Even worse, Crazy8 is exposing himself by sending out his fairymen to speak for him.


Gay-online-relationships. Considering your worth in life when you're sent to do duties for a guy who cries over a poll on an internet forum.
A great job? This isn't even a real job. Find a girlfriend and take down that Crazy8 poster in your room, you mariconassdude. You're never going to meet Crazy8s in real life, no matter how hard you dream about it, and if you do then both of you guys can give each other the manliest blowjobs till you past out.

Metro you say u don't give a f**k but you should. I'm not pointing fingers but you should care. 2 big time posters shouldn't come to this. And i agree that site has gotten progressively worse. I'm implying it on any particular reason but it has.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
I've never had a problem with 8's and I thought he did his best to help KO be a formidable website but I don't think anyone forced him to leave the forum. He left out of his own desire. If he had a problem with anything that Metrocard was doing I think there could have been a way for him to settle that problem without causing any further friction between himself and MC. I don't believe in singling out any posters and making them to be bad guys. Everyone on this website is a human being that does things that might offend others. We just need to learn how to settle things the correct way and live life the best that we possibly can.

Go follow Crazy8.
No one knows who you are on this site. You zero contributions and if you leave today, the forum will have thoughtless memories of you.
Before you come here talking a bucket load of crap; check yourself because you definitely ain't no solution here.
Crazy8 made himself leave the forum. I was passive the entire time till he started harassing my PM's and diverting the topic into 3-4 different threads. Why am I taking blame for a situation that was started and instigated in the first place? Every attempt Crazy had to throw insults or pointlessly rant, I moved it to a different section of the forum, non Knick related.

What is hilarious is that if this situation was the other way around where I was harassing Crazy through PMs, cursing him out, you guys would cry from the connection of some gayass online relationship with a guy you never met, so the bias is heavy.

You share Crazy8s obsessive you really care that much that your life can't move on, you pouring your emotions out? Exposing yourself here desperately. You guys really sound like a bunch of b*tches at a Victoria Secret store where their main item was sold out. Put some testerone into your body, your manlove for the guy in this thread is on FULL BLAST. I would edit that post so you come off looking so homosexual.

Not only you don't look like an individual, but just another testicle for Crazy.

The other mods here aren't even active for you to say anything about them, so you're full of sh*t. A forum is a forum, you come here to talk about basketball, not stress out how pretty it looks especially since you probably look like a pieceof**** in real life. I kept this forum up to date by posting recent articles, opening conversations, debates, and a variety of discussions for members to be active, and anyone who really hates on that is full of crock, can't let go of a personal vendetta from the past or are just afraid to confront me. I'm tired of these posh posters having sympathy for a wimp ass dude like Crazy8. Softcore posters easily amused by glitter. Do what you want, but come around here giving me sh*t.

He couldn't handle an opinion and cried over it. Crazy8 lost, exposed himself as a weak person.
He especially exposed himself as a fraud, announcing 3 times in 2 days that he was leaving the site, and his weakass cried when his farewell thread got moved. If that's not emotional I don't know what is. Even worse, Crazy8 is exposing himself by sending out his fairymen to speak for him.


Gay-online-relationships. Considering your worth in life when you're sent to do duties for a guy who cries over a poll on an internet forum.
A great job? This isn't even a real job. Find a girlfriend and take down that Crazy8 poster in your room, you mariconassdude. You're never going to meet Crazy8s in real life, no matter how hard you dream about it, and if you do then both of you guys can give each other the manliest blowjobs till you past out.

There he is.. Good old Metro acting like its 2004... Kinda missed it to be honest. And hes doing with a Stephon Marbury Sig to boot.

I'll be honest i rarely post at this point in my life just check in for updates.. But i don't like the whole Player thread. Gets to massive and too much topic changes.

Each Topic should have a thread as long as its not over the top 30 threads on one topic.
Those player threads are the downfall of this site. And if we all can see that then i think a change needs to happen. Seriously in my 6 and a half years coming here I've never seen it this dead. And how is that possible the team is at its best. We should be poppin

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Heres a solution



I myself am not bothered by the performance threads, but if Majority of the forum doesn't like it then it's only fair to give the threads the boot.

Maybe keep a performance thread for the Knicks BIG 3 Tyson, Melo & stat then delete the other ones.

What we really need is a INJURY UPDATE STICKY THREAD since this team always suffers from some kind of injury
I read through all the beef last night and I have to say alotta dudes on here sound like they havent dont that yet. Like i said in another thread Im cool with both of them but theres clearly a winner to this feud.

I know the performance threads are getting alotta blame but theres 2 key factors that are being overlooked;

1) The Jeremy Lin departure

2) Theres less stuff to debate about. Our teams elite now

I believe making this site a Knicks site with a hip hop twist might help some. I think several posters that joined after Metrocard and myself joined we're enticed by knicks hip hop culture swag style that several posters used. Perhaps i need to bring the Swagabury sig back, make Starbury threads and bate posters into debates.

To be honest im not one thats often interested in debating anymore. Its not a big deal if someone disagree's with me. I dont feel the need to write an essay on why I'm right. I will however give them the chance to convince me otherwise, im open minded and if they say something that gets me thinking..Ill entertain it. But thats just my posting style, some people really enjoy debates and thats cool with me too. I respect posters that have the passion to do that. I respect the passion Crazy8's showed with his game threads. Theres not really any posters i dislike here at the moment. I do think its somewhat childish for posters aside from Crazy and Metro to get involved and act angry about this.
Here's the way I see if anyone gives a fvck lol.

8's brings tons of media resources and creativity with his youtube channel and other outlets.

Metro brings so much basketball knowledge to the forum along with his passion it easily makes us the best Knick forum out there.

So in the end, whoever is here is here. If you want to leave, leave.

Obviously Rady either doesnt know whats going on or everythings fine.
I seriously think that KO should create a sticky flame war thread and whoever doesn't like eachother should duke it out in that thread. As long as posters are not doing anything against the law they should be able to speak their mind about eachother in that thread.

With the "Flame War Thread" posters should strickly keep their hatred and disdain for eachother in that thread. And whoever decides to break the rules by personally attacking someone outside of the thread should receive one warning from Rady. If they break the rules once again after getting their warning they automatically receive a 2 week ban from the site. If they happen to accumulate five temporary bans then the next ban that they receive would be a permanent ban from the site.

This idea could allow posters to disagree and speak their mind about eachother but also suffer repercussions if they take things too far.
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thank you LeFlume for the most relevant comments... chicken or beef (and NYK_Reloaded for the excellent gif),
always a pertinent question that deserves answers and shows how irrelevant this whole feud really is.

NYK17 with a decent idea, making player threads into subforum. seems to be a source of debate that deserves attention. perhaps we'll create a thread dedicated to this debate and the best way to present player news/threads.

I'm of the opinion that KO's flavor comes from new threads, new ideas, that deserve immediate commentary, and once it dies out, move it into the player threads.

I'm also not opposed to expanding the hip hop flavor of KO, thanks Kingly Starbury for the idea.

I created a thread dedicated to Metro vs Crazy 8's, but put it into the site feedback section, where I think it belongs.

But for now, this a relevant topic for a lot of posters who know and love both Metro and Crazy 8's, I guess we'll let this conversation/debate stew here for awhile, and eventually move it all together, where it will hopefully fade away and radiate as an off topic (and closed) thread.

the Knicks haven't played too much, so it's OK to have a nice dispute to liven things up, at least it brings up basic points that Metro and Crazy 8's disagreed upon, that will perhaps make KO a better place after the name-calling and bashing has died down.

props to all who have voiced an opinion.

i'm so looking forward to Knicks in London.
Those player threads are the downfall of this site. And if we all can see that then i think a change needs to happen. Seriously in my 6 and a half years coming here I've never seen it this dead. And how is that possible the team is at its best. We should be poppin

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

Agreed. The player performance threads are trash. Give people a chance to create their very own thread and if its bad, delete it.

I use to like getting on the forum and seeing a new thread, sometimes it would be breaking news to me. Its more of an eye catcher without the player performance threads and looks better for the site imo.
Im still wondering if we can get a poll perhaps added to this thread about who the winner is. Not that it matters but just for entertainment i guess