ESPN predicts Knicks finish 10th

Well we have Phil and Fisher other teams don't automatic 10-15 win difference

The Clippers are officially Ballmer's now. Going off pull out the arse projections style, Clips should win close to 70gms this year.

What do you think TKF?
More likely Ballmer runs the Clips into the ground like he did Microsoft.

That was vintage Ballmer ala his days at Microsoft at the Clips rally, if a loud voice and bluster could get you wins the Clips would set an NBA record with Ballmer as the owner.
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I am a huge amare fan, always have been, but the days of amare dominating are done. The guy has knees that can't hold up. If he plays well for 5 games you can bet he will be on the bench for the next 3...

I can't hide my level of disappointment for this team. from the silly signings of JR smith, to the dumb trades of Bargnani, to giving away draft picks to trading for carmelo and then giving him this assinine deal..... it will take more than the good name of Phil jackson and the hopes of a rookie coach to fix this ship.. until then I come to expect little..

I do think amare will have a better year this year, but the east has gotten so much better and younger. I just don't see anything but lower seeds for the knicks for years to come..

This team will one day learn to suck it up and build the right way... we were on track with walsh until dolan managed to mess that up....

We hired Phil Jackson as President which gave us a A+ grade.
Phil Jackson Fires the Knicks coaching-staff which gave us a A+ grade.
Phil hires coaching-staff colleague for the Knicks coaching-staff which gave us a B+ grade.
Owner Dolan gave Melo a $124M 5 yr contract with half the $62M payment in advance which gave us a FAILURE grade.

When it comes to Amare knees, they sure looked well when we increased his playing time minutes in the 16-5 run to end the season. Amare's going to put up some winning numbers in a triangle-offense, especially with Rambis as the big-man coach.
More likely Ballmer runs the Clips into the ground like he did Microsoft.

That was vintage Ballmer ala his days at Microsoft at the Clips rally, if a loud voice and bluster could get you wins the Clips would set an NBA record with Ballmer as the owner.

Is it really fair to say he ran the company in the ground? Come on the Computing industry completely changed from what it was in the 90's. As the company took on a major governmental lawsuit right before he became a leading exec. He managed to transform them into a cutting edge technology firm diversifying products offered such as Skype/Enterprise Systems/Office 365/Surface Pro/Windows Phone/Windows 8/X-Box

Now don't get me wrong could he have taken greater risks gaining a stronghold in mobile/social computing technology, sure quite possibly

But so many leading execs and professionals left Microsoft and like companies(Apple-IBM-HP-Dell) to spearhead-transform those such as Google/Android/Facebook/Samsung/Twitter/ etc etc. There's no way to monopolize all these markets as 1 CEO. It's called a competitive free enterprise system, one in which he did extremely well in.
Ballmer did nothing as the CEO of MSFT esp. when you consider MSFT had such a dominant position in the industry. He took over from Gates in 2000 and the stock wallowed in the 13 years he was CEO. Since he retired the stock is up about 33%, investors cheered the day the guy left.

I sure hope he does more for the Clipper fans and the team than he did for Microsoft and its stockholders.
Is it really fair to say he ran the company in the ground? Come on the Computing industry completely changed from what it was in the 90's. As the company took on a major governmental lawsuit right before he became a leading exec. He managed to transform them into a cutting edge technology firm diversifying products offered such as Skype/Enterprise Systems/Office 365/Surface Pro/Windows Phone/Windows 8/X-Box

Now don't get me wrong could he have taken greater risks gaining a stronghold in mobile/social computing technology, sure quite possibly

But so many leading execs and professionals left Microsoft and like companies(Apple-IBM-HP-Dell) to spearhead-transform those such as Google/Android/Facebook/Samsung/Twitter/ etc etc. There's no way to monopolize all these markets as 1 CEO. It's called a competitive free enterprise system, one in which he did extremely well in.

yea,not sure how Ballmer ran microsoft into the ground, last time I check , microsoft was still a pretty darn good company...

But lets look at it this way.. most fans will agree that sterling as been a disaster of an owner... yet, the clippers are still one of the top teams in the east.. I will bet my money that ballmer will be a better owner, and even if slightly better , the clippers will be that much better with him...

I think he now becomes the richest owner in the NBA..
We hired Phil Jackson as President which gave us a A+ grade.
Phil Jackson Fires the Knicks coaching-staff which gave us a A+ grade.
Phil hires coaching-staff colleague for the Knicks coaching-staff which gave us a B+ grade.
Owner Dolan gave Melo a $124M 5 yr contract with half the $62M payment in advance which gave us a FAILURE grade.

When it comes to Amare knees, they sure looked well when we increased his playing time minutes in the 16-5 run to end the season. Amare's going to put up some winning numbers in a triangle-offense, especially with Rambis as the big-man coach.

The problem with amare and extended playing time.. yes he has looked real good with extended minutes, but over the long haul, what will that do to him. I remember when the knicks gave him extended playing time, and he played well, he needed like a week off after that... hard to stay in a groove that way..
last time I check , microsoft was still a pretty darn good company...

if you were a shareholder when he was running the company, you would not be happy (I wasn't a happy camper)... the stock did 'dick' during his reign, only moving after he left the day/day..

it was a good company before/during/after his tenure... but was only making $$$ for the shareholders b4 and after his tenure...
if you were a shareholder when he was running the company, you would not be happy (I wasn't a happy camper)... the stock did 'dick' during his reign, only moving after he left the day/day..

it was a good company before/during/after his tenure... but was only making $$$ for the shareholders b4 and after his tenure...

True and their recent revenue hadn't performed as well as the past but take not what he accomplished while there.

Under Ballmer's tenure as CEO, Microsoft's annual revenue surged from $25 billion to $70 billion, while its net income increased 215 percent to $23 billion, and its gross profit of 75 cents on every dollar in sales is double that of Google or International Business Machines Corp.[SUP][23][/SUP] In terms of leading the company's total annual profit growth, Ballmer's tenure at Microsoft (16.4 percent) surpassed the performances of other well-known CEOs such as General Electric's Jack Welch (11.2 percent) and IBM's Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. (2 percent)

Share's took a downward turn right before he exited but if they are showing signs of recovery it largely has to do with what he left behind.
Ballmer didn't deserve the billions he made at Microsoft. John Chambers of Cisco is another guy I can't wait to see leave.
if you were a shareholder when he was running the company, you would not be happy (I wasn't a happy camper)... the stock did 'dick' during his reign, only moving after he left the day/day..

it was a good company before/during/after his tenure... but was only making $$$ for the shareholders b4 and after his tenure...

when ballmer took over day to day operations I think microsoft was fighting a huge antitrust lawsuit. but to say the company failed under him may not be accurate.

Under Ballmer's tenure as CEO, Microsoft's annual revenue surged from $25 billion to $70 billion, while its net income increased 215 percent to $23 billion, and its gross profit of 75 cents on every dollar in sales is double that of Google orInternational Business Machines Corp.[SUP][23][/SUP] In terms of leading the company's total annual profit growth, Ballmer's tenure at Microsoft (16.4 percent) surpassed the performances of other well-known CEOs such as General Electric's Jack Welch (11.2 percent) and IBM's Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. (2 percent).[SUP][21][/SUP] These gains came from the existing Windows and Office franchises, with Ballmer maintaining their profitability, fending off threats from cheaper competitors such as GNU/Linux and other open-source operating systems and Google Docs.[SUP][24][/SUP] Ballmer also built half-a-dozen new businesses[SUP][25][/SUP] such as the data centers division ($6.6 billion in profit for 2011)[SUP][citation needed[/SUP]

now to be fair, his tenure had it's issues as you stated

Ballmer attracted criticism for failing to capitalize on several new consumer technologies, forcing Microsoft to play catch-up in the areas of tablet computing, smartphones and music players with mixed results.[SUP][21][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP] Under Ballmer's watch, "In many cases, Microsoft latched onto technologies like smartphones, touchscreens, 'smart' cars and wristwatches that read sports scores aloud long before Apple or Google did. But it repeatedly killed promising projects if they threatened its cash cows [Windows and Office].")[SUP][31][/SUP] Microsoft's share price stagnated during Ballmer's tenure. As a result, in May 2012, hedge fund manager David Einhorn called on Ballmer to step down as CEO of Microsoft. "His continued presence is the biggest overhang on Microsoft's stock," Einhorn said in reference to Ballmer.[SUP][32][/SUP] In a May 2012 column in Forbes magazine, Adam Hartung described Ballmer as "the worst CEO of a large publicly traded American company", saying he had "steered Microsoft out of some of the fastest growing and most lucrative tech markets (mobile music, handsets and tablets)".[SUP][33]

so the company made money with ballmer, but as mentioned he missed the ship on some new technology even making the huge mistake of underestimating the Iphone.. with that said, he made a lot of money for the company.. just didn't do much as far as increasing share price...

As the owner of the clippers, we won't be looking for him to increase share prices, just run that organization in a professional manner. Make good decisions.. As we have seen he did a good job with existing products with microsoft, just missed on new technology and as we know a lot of people miss on new tech.... with the clippers has walked into a really good situation , talent wise, and I don't expect him to mess that up at all..

The guy is not as bad as some of you are making him out to be, actually he is not bad at all, and if he were to replace dolan I am sure many knick fans would be defending this guy... do you think he is worse than dolan? he certainly has a lot more bank than dolan does....

He is a good motivator, a pretty smart guy, I think he will do well with the clippers and anything above sterling is a win - win situation..
when ballmer took over day to day operations I think microsoft was fighting a huge antitrust lawsuit. but to say the company failed under him may not be accurate...

I've re-read the posting/s, and no where did I see anyone say that the company failed... didn't live up to expectations...yessss..
I've re-read the posting/s, and no where did I see anyone say that the company failed... didn't live up to expectations...yessss..

well someone did say he ran microsoft into the ground.. would you not call that "failing"...

here is the quote from the poster..

More likely Ballmer runs the Clips into the ground like he did Microsoft.
well someone did say he ran microsoft into the ground.. would you not call that "failing"...

here is the quote from the poster..

WOW I actually though their revenue took some slight dips the past 2-3yrs but I was wrong. Ballmer did very well with the company. Could he have done more, who knows but with taking risks it can make or break sometimes.

Here's a link since 2002 what they've done in overall revenue. Considering 2014 hasn't concluded, assuming they do yr end fiscals..... not sure if it's a projection Microsoft is doing more than fine.


Ballmer attracted criticism for failing to capitalize on several new consumer technologies, forcing Microsoft to play catch-up in the areas of tablet computing, smartphones and music players with mixed results.
[SUP][21][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP] Under Ballmer's watch, "In many cases, Microsoft latched onto technologies like smartphones, touchscreens, 'smart' cars and wristwatches that read sports scores aloud long before Apple or Google did. But it repeatedly killed promising projects if they threatened its cash cows [Windows and Office].")[SUP][31][/SUP] Microsoft's share price stagnated during Ballmer's tenure. As a result, in May 2012, hedge fund manager David Einhorn called on Ballmer to step down as CEO of Microsoft. "His continued presence is the biggest overhang on Microsoft's stock," Einhorn said in reference to Ballmer.[SUP][32][/SUP] In a May 2012 column in Forbes magazine, Adam Hartung described Ballmer as "the worst CEO of a large publicly traded American company", saying he had "steered Microsoft out of some of the fastest growing and most lucrative tech markets (mobile music, handsets and tablets)".[SUP][33][/SUP]
Not sure who the source for this opinion on Ballmer is but that was my opinion of Ballmer when he ran Microsoft.

He probably is one of the smartest owners in the NBA now and Sterling is not a hard act to follow so he'll be a positive change for the Clippers. I see him being like Mark Cuban, he won't be cheap when it comes to spending money like Sterling was. I just think he did a terrible job at MSFT and didn't deserve all the billions he made as CEO with them.
Not sure who the source for this opinion on Ballmer is but that was my opinion of Ballmer when he ran Microsoft.

He probably is one of the smartest owners in the NBA now and Sterling is not a hard act to follow so he'll be a positive change for the Clippers. I see him being like Mark Cuban, he won't be cheap when it comes to spending money like Sterling was. I just think he did a terrible job at MSFT and didn't deserve all the billions he made as CEO with them.

honestly, does anyone deserve to make billions? I don't know, but he made a lot of money for microsoft when he was there, so I guess he was paid accordingly and of course a lot of that was probably stock options....

Part of his job was to keep them profitable and he did that, so again, to say he did a terrible job is kind of odd to me..

I also think he will be a good and polarizing owner, this league could use more owners like cuban...
I would have been a better CEO for Microsoft than Ballmer. So you make a smart phone cheap as hell but there's one problem, people that are locked in 2 year contracts don't really care how much the phone costs. So who cares? The customers in the ever growing pay as you go market. Did Ballmer shove that ****ty phone in the faces of Virgin, Cricket or Boost Mobile? Nope! Major fail...

That aside, I don't think he'll make personnel decisions for the Clips and he's certainly better than Sterling.
I dont know what Blake Griffin and Chris Paul did to the Clippers organization during the 2011-12 short season, but the two players took a worthless $200M Clipper organization, and turned it into a top contender in the 2013-14 season.
They increased the gross market of the Clippers team 3 times over by making Doc Rivers PRESIDENT OF BASKETBALL OPERATIONS AND HEAD COACH. The Truth!

Steve Ballmer bought a WINNER!
The Clippers had all the tools (plus extra) to be in the 2013-14 FINALS.
Sterling true identity F that up!!!
How will Phil and Fisher decision-making manage players Dalembert, Amare, Barg, Melo, JR, Shump, and Calderon into getting on the Same-Page in a triangle-system built for success?

I dont have a clue, and a lot of NBA fans don't have a clue.
ESPN high-paid writers are guessing Dolan's antics of interfering will lead the Knicks to be a 10 seeded team.
That's outrageous guessing when the Knicks roster has so many offensive-scoring tools to have a 45 win season.
It's the postseason team-defense Phil and Fisher will have 82 games to work on.