Game Thread: New York Knicks @ Charlotte Hornets 7:00pm 11/11/2015

Just like when amare nearly hit the game winner when he first arrived.

Against the Celtics in Boston. That is exactly the play that occurred to me too.

Porzingis goes for 10 points, 15 boards, and 2 blocks. This would have been a great exclamation point on an early signature game for him. Crap.


Imagine that... A coach draws up a play. Lopez beat badly back door... Knicks give away one. All blame goes to a Fisher and Melo.

MEGGADITTO'S Mafra. I won't be happy until FISHER is gone. Melo will never buy in and was atrocious at MONEY TIME. His history of course.


Melo missed shot so bad... It couldn't be a good miss, where it clanks off the rim and time expires... Nope, the dude hits side of backboard... Terrible...hey clueless, take a higher percentage shot... Don't be lazy... Drive to the hoop.

not to mention, after all these years in Nba he still can't dribble with his left hand. No pressure, eh dribble on dot his left on that play and nearly lost ball out of bounds.

T.O Knick

On the bright side, Knicks truly have someone special in Porzingis.

Kad not only has the skill but the "I don't give a fook" swag players need to survive and thrive in NYC.


CHA was awarded 28 FT. Knicks had 7 free throw attempts. Anybody wonder why NY lost by two points?

so, CHA was 17-28 and NY was 5-7. Last night in TOR, Knicks were screwed by a 39-18 FT attempt margin. How can we win these road games... We aren't that good to overcome that referee bias.


This is a perfect example of how pathetic Fisher is... CHA coach draws up a play... Key was he had movement, and when players move... Motion... You have to defend and when you have to defend... Mistakes might be made... Obviously, fisher can't coach bc NYK actually allowed a cutter to be free... Wide open on the baseline, cutting toward hoop from the weak side..... This is a cardinal no no... Ball 101. Always protect weak side baseline when ball inbounded under the hoop.

so, on the ensuing possession.... Do we devise a play? 26 seconds... Inbounds the ball, set some picks, have people cut, swing the ball around and make CHA defend... Have Melo get ball coming around a screen? Make CHA move and wait for a mistake, a breakdown as ball swivels around? Nope... He lets CHA defense stand pay, sit tight, settle in... No movement... Nothing. Actually, CHA didn't have to defend bc there was no play... And Melo did nothing but almost lose ball dribbling once and then hit side of backboard.

Also, it turns out... There was 0.8 seconds left, when ball went thru the hoop. But, refs said there was only 0.6 seconds... There you go... Who would think 0.2 seconds is difference between a win or a loss?

Melo was 8-12 in the scone half.


All Star
#kporzee has so much competitive spirit, I touched on this like 5gms ago. Tonight showed he has fully embraced playing for the Knicks in New York. It wasn't about the miss, it was about the take. He'll make a few in his career if given the chance.

Meanwhile Lopez and Calderon(even with his on jumper) got bodied by a SanityKnicka. Tough loss but maybe one we could grow from unlike last yr when we lost to a Kemba layup.

Horrific possession by Melo the play before #kporzee's near winner.


All Star
CHA was awarded 28 FT. Knicks had 7 free throw attempts. Anybody wonder why NY lost by two points?

so, CHA was 17-28 and NY was 5-7. Last night in TOR, Knicks were screwed by a 39-18 FT attempt margin. How can we win these road games... We aren't that good to overcome that referee bias.

Dude we've been historically bad at getting to the line for some time now...past several yrs. It has nothing to do with reffing bias, but everything to do with our style of play. We take a ton of midrange shots still


Dude we've been historically bad at getting to the line for some time now...past several yrs. It has nothing to do with reffing bias, but everything to do with our style of play. We take a ton of midrange shots still

No doubt, style of play contributes to the disparity... But I also saw a lot of contact by Zeller on some of our guys... Contact that wasn't called. We didn't shoot 1 FT in the first half, and we were over foul limit in the fourth... Two minutes into the quarter... Both rare feats... Then, to put Zeller on FT line with 28 seconds left, in a tie game, when Batun shoved Thomas into Zeller? That is a bad call by a ref with a bias and a quick whistle. Almost handed CHA the game. So, the point is, it appears on most nights our opponent gets away with a lot more contact. Not to mention, refs should've put .8 seconds on the board... Not .6. That did cost us this game.


All Star
No doubt, style of play contributes to the disparity... But I also saw a lot of contact by Zeller on some of our guys... Contact that wasn't called. We didn't shoot 1 FT in the first half, and we were over foul limit in the fourth... Two minutes into the quarter... Both rare feats... Then, to put Zeller on FT line with 28 seconds left, in a tie game, when Batun shoved Thomas into Zeller? That is a bad call by a ref with a bias and a quick whistle. Almost handed CHA the game. So, the point is, it appears on most nights our opponent gets away with a lot more contact. Not to mention, refs should've put .8 seconds on the board... Not .6. That did cost us this game.

There was also the quick light on the board showing .1, but we have no room to talk when we won a game in Washington....Galloway's foot was out of bounds before he called timeout and yesterday against the Raptors in which the league came out today to apologize they got it wrong, Melo's foot was out of bounds. We could possibly be 2 more gms down.

Fans who complain about reffing when they are routinely bad at their job no matter who's playing on any given night around the a bunch of sour graping

If you truly want to have an objective viewpoint go watch a non Knick game for 4qrts with no vested rooting interest and pay attention to how bad all the One-Way signs are at their job. There is no agenda, there is no vendetta, there is no routine favoritism, outside of the Donaghy Chronicles. They just aren't good at what they do and in the end, the games balance themselves out...usually the better team wins.


Super Moderator
There was also the quick light on the board showing .1, but we have no room to talk when we won a game in Washington....Galloway's foot was out of bounds before he called timeout and yesterday against the Raptors in which the league came out today to apologize they got it wrong, Melo's foot was out of bounds. We could possibly be 2 more gms down.

Fans who complain about reffing when they are routinely bad at their job no matter who's playing on any given night around the a bunch of sour graping

If you truly want to have an objective viewpoint go watch a non Knick game for 4qrts with no vested rooting interest and pay attention to how bad all the One-Way signs are at their job. There is no agenda, there is no vendetta, there is no routine favoritism, outside of the Donaghy Chronicles. They just aren't good at what they do and in the end, the games balance themselves out...usually the better team wins.
I agree with you here.

I've seen seem more bad plays than usual this season ALREADY. During the Pelicans vs. Hawks game last week a Hawk hit the camera behind the backboard, a clear out of bounds, and they didn't call it.

The Knicks lost, but I like this team. They keep fighting.


There was also the quick light on the board showing .1, but we have no room to talk when we won a game in Washington....Galloway's foot was out of bounds before he called timeout and yesterday against the Raptors in which the league came out today to apologize they got it wrong, Melo's foot was out of bounds. We could possibly be 2 more gms down.

Fans who complain about reffing when they are routinely bad at their job no matter who's playing on any given night around the a bunch of sour graping

If you truly want to have an objective viewpoint go watch a non Knick game for 4qrts with no vested rooting interest and pay attention to how bad all the One-Way signs are at their job. There is no agenda, there is no vendetta, there is no routine favoritism, outside of the Donaghy Chronicles. They just aren't good at what they do and in the end, the games balance themselves out...usually the better team wins.

Calm down cowboy. I've been watching basketball games since the '70s... Living in DAL, and growing up in NY, i've watched plenty of games without a rooting interest. I watched 2 games in particular that prove there is plenty to question when talking about NBA officials- SAC v LAK, game 6 2002, and DAL v MIA Game 3 2006...

i rememeber Knicks getting screwed in Indy a few years ago, 2013 game 6, when Pacers shot 46 free throws to NYK shooting 18... They even invented a word that playoff series, Verticality (meaning: when Hibbert fouls a Knick but foul not called bc contact comes after Hibbert jumps). Trust me, Ewing never got that benefit when MJ jumped into him...

anyway, you are the one who made the leap from bias and screwed to agenda, vendetta, conspiracy. I never said that...

What irks me... The spirit of replay is to get a call right... If we have to frreze a tenth of a second snapshot, and judge if a shot is barely on a fingertip... Come on. Not what replay is for. I mean, where was that scrutiny the possession before, when Zeller's shot is thru net with .9?

I understand mistakes are made, and is occurring every night... The human element, if you will. NBA refs especially bad bc they have power to award points (putting guys on the FT line)... And, yeah... One ref admitted he fixed games. So, there's also that. And, there is always favoritism... Its called star treatment. It's why they nearly arrested Amare for hitting lebron that time, bc James acted like Charles Whitman just shot him from his sniper's perch.
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This is a perfect example of how pathetic Fisher is... CHA coach draws up a play... Key was he had movement, and when players move... Motion... You have to defend and when you have to defend... Mistakes might be made... Obviously, fisher can't coach bc NYK actually allowed a cutter to be free... Wide open on the baseline, cutting toward hoop from the weak side..... This is a cardinal no no... Ball 101. Always protect weak side baseline when ball inbounded under the hoop.

so, on the ensuing possession.... Do we devise a play? 26 seconds... Inbounds the ball, set some picks, have people cut, swing the ball around and make CHA defend... Have Melo get ball coming around a screen? Make CHA move and wait for a mistake, a breakdown as ball swivels around? Nope... He lets CHA defense stand pay, sit tight, settle in... No movement... Nothing. Actually, CHA didn't have to defend bc there was no play... And Melo did nothing but almost lose ball dribbling once and then hit side of backboard.

Also, it turns out... There was 0.8 seconds left, when ball went thru the hoop. But, refs said there was only 0.6 seconds... There you go... Who would think 0.2 seconds is difference between a win or a loss?

Melo was 8-12 in the scone half.
Mafra before I post I read what others have said. As usual, for me, your post nailed it. Let me just add it's so obvious to us Fisher sucks. But it's not only his missing the end of game strategy but more importantly his rotations are absurd. Galloway shooting 62% of his 3's to lead the NBA is missing down the stretch. AFFLOLO threw up a brick at crunch time after good early scoring. I will cut him some slack but it should have been 875,000 over 8 million last night . I know I have unrealistic expectations at this point. Knicks are not getting the calls at home either.


Mafra before I post I read what others have said. As usual, for me, your post nailed it. Let me just add it's so obvious to us Fisher sucks. But it's not only his missing the end of game strategy but more importantly his rotations are absurd. Galloway shooting 62% of his 3's to lead the NBA is missing down the stretch. AFFLOLO threw up a brick at crunch time after good early scoring. I will cut him some slack but it should have been 875,000 over 8 million last night . I know I have unrealistic expectations at this point. Knicks are not getting the calls at home either.

Yes. I don't get his sub patterns... Maybe he is trying to get a feel for what combos work? But, that inbounds pass from
Thomas to PORZ was awful. I know he is 7"3'... But throw it higher than his ankles. I was upset at the Affalo brick too, especially since his swoosh the possession before was so smooth... Alan Houston smooth.


There was also the quick light on the board showing .1, but we have no room to talk when we won a game in Washington....Galloway's foot was out of bounds before he called timeout and yesterday against the Raptors in which the league came out today to apologize they got it wrong, Melo's foot was out of bounds. We could possibly be 2 more gms down.

Fans who complain about reffing when they are routinely bad at their job no matter who's playing on any given night around the a bunch of sour graping

If you truly want to have an objective viewpoint go watch a non Knick game for 4qrts with no vested rooting interest and pay attention to how bad all the One-Way signs are at their job. There is no agenda, there is no vendetta, there is no routine favoritism, outside of the Donaghy Chronicles. They just aren't good at what they do and in the end, the games balance themselves out...usually the better team wins.

GOOD POINT... the knicks got two huge breaks this year with missed calls, could have easily been two more losses... They are what they are. they lost last night not because KP was late on the shot, but because they gave up an out of bounds basket to Zeller which should never happen and Both Jeremy's killed the knicks.. Lin and Lamb...

You know the guy who carmelo said had the ridiculous contract.... what a fool


Calm down cowboy. I've been watching basketball games since the '70s... Living in DAL, and growing up in NY, i've watched plenty of games without a rooting interest. I watched 2 games in particular that prove there is plenty to question when talking about NBA officials- SAC v LAK, game 6 2002, and DAL v MIA Game 3 2006...

i rememeber Knicks getting screwed in Indy a few years ago, 2013 game 6, when Pacers shot 46 free throws to NYK shooting 18... They even invented a word that playoff series, Verticality (meaning: when Hibbert fouls a Knick but foul not called bc contact comes after Hibbert jumps). Trust me, Ewing never got that benefit when MJ jumped into him...

anyway, you are the one who made the leap from bias and screwed to agenda, vendetta, conspiracy. I never said that...

What irks me... The spirit of replay is to get a call right... If we have to frreze a tenth of a second snapshot, and judge if a shot is barely on a fingertip... Come on. Not what replay is for. I mean, where was that scrutiny the possession before, when Zeller's shot is thru net with .9?

I understand mistakes are made, and is occurring every night... The human element, if you will. NBA refs especially bad bc they have power to award points (putting guys on the FT line)... And, yeah... One ref admitted he fixed games. So, there's also that. And, there is always favoritism... Its called star treatment. It's why they nearly arrested Amare for hitting lebron that time, bc James acted like Charles Whitman just shot him from his sniper's perch.

I have been watching ball since the 70's as a kid as well, let me ask you this, do you have a problem with two of the knicks wins coming with help from botched calls.. galloway vs the Wizards and then the other night with carmelo standing out of bounds with the ball vs the raptors?

Porzingis got the ball off late, he is long, lanky and slow, and it took a split second too long, but the game should not have come down to that, they blew the defense on zeller and could not contain jeremy lin who ate the knicks guards up all night.

Replay is there for a reason, it is to get the call right, no matter how close it is...


True, true. We have a losing record, but we seem to still be a team with an upwards pointing arrow.

Knicks are more competitive, that is for sure, and that is a good thing, but the east overall is better, being more competitive is not going to cut it, you are going to have to be GOOD...


All Star
Calm down cowboy. I've been watching basketball games since the '70s... Living in DAL, and growing up in NY, i've watched plenty of games without a rooting interest. I watched 2 games in particular that prove there is plenty to question when talking about NBA officials- SAC v LAK, game 6 2002, and DAL v MIA Game 3 2006...

i rememeber Knicks getting screwed in Indy a few years ago, 2013 game 6, when Pacers shot 46 free throws to NYK shooting 18... They even invented a word that playoff series, Verticality (meaning: when Hibbert fouls a Knick but foul not called bc contact comes after Hibbert jumps). Trust me, Ewing never got that benefit when MJ jumped into him...

anyway, you are the one who made the leap from bias and screwed to agenda, vendetta, conspiracy. I never said that...

What irks me... The spirit of replay is to get a call right... If we have to frreze a tenth of a second snapshot, and judge if a shot is barely on a fingertip... Come on. Not what replay is for. I mean, where was that scrutiny the possession before, when Zeller's shot is thru net with .9?

I understand mistakes are made, and is occurring every night... The human element, if you will. NBA refs especially bad bc they have power to award points (putting guys on the FT line)... And, yeah... One ref admitted he fixed games. So, there's also that. And, there is always favoritism... Its called star treatment. It's why they nearly arrested Amare for hitting lebron that time, bc James acted like Charles Whitman just shot him from his sniper's perch.

And with all that said you didn't go long winded on reffing when we beat Toronto the other day(because in homerlike fashion it benefited us) know when the refs had a chance to get it right, right? If you've been watching basketball this long then you should know by now what the protocol is like on how they govern games. Otherwise stop watching the game if you think there could be Illuminati Agenda going on against us(which your posts alluded to) hence you now bringing up the Pacers series. They beat us plain and simple....they were the better team, they aren't in any way relevant to yesterday's results.

Melo should have done better on 1 of our final possessions, Fisher could have called a better play, Lopez could have defended the inbound pass better. Really this is what they game came down to in a nutshell


Knicks are more competitive, that is for sure, and that is a good thing, but the east overall is better, being more competitive is not going to cut it, you are going to have to be GOOD...

When the Knicks show consistent chemistry then they could be listed as a competitive team, right now the Knicks are a average team with some good pieces.
The Hornets were also on the end of a back to back game, playing sloppy giving the Knicks the win from the start of the 2nd half. The Knicks silly rotation refuse to hold a 10 pt lead in the first half, and another 10 pt lead in the 2nd half bc of adding two new players to the rotation.

Our surprise 7.3 rookie PK has skills n athleticism, but need a bigman coach ASAP .. Zingis dont have any paint skills he is always 2 or 3 steps away from the paint area on offense n defense.

What did Afflalo do to take our best percentage all-around guard Galloway 28 minutes???