Knicks 2015 Preseason Game 4 - October 16, 2015


He only played 8 minutes in the 1st half but he was very good. He's going to be a day one starter over Sasha. Again the Knicks offense has surprised me, balanced scoring by everyone. In today's NBA you have to be able to shoot the 3 and this team can with Melo, Affalo, DWill, Sasha, JC, Gallo, Early, Zinger and even Quinn all able to hit that shot. Even Lance made one tonight which tells me the boys are going to shoot the 3 a lot this season. Very solid showing by the team on a night when Melo was off.

How come a 4-0 Knicks preseason team has so many unanswered questions ...

Why give Afflalo 8 minutes in his first game? he missed 3 straight games, were Afflalo n Fisher working-out with Melo in Puerto Rico?
Why are Porzingis missing pro games? Porzingis really needs all the experience he can get throughout his rookie season.
Why coach Fisher has not let rookie PG-Grant start in preseason games? Does Fisher plan on starting Calderon throughout the regular season?
Why coach Fisher doesn't have O'Quinn in the preseason starter lineup (GELLIN) with Lopez in the paint?
Why hasn't coach Fisher put a big-rebounding front lineup of 7.3 Porzingis, 6.10 Seraphin, and 6.8 D.Will on the court (to GELL) during preseason games?
Do u know what 5 players will be the Knicks starters in the regular season games?

I do not want the Knicks to turn into a PUNK 3 ball shooting team like the small-ball Golden State Warriors or Dantoni Phoenix Suns. Three-Ball scoring belong in college, it make to many NBA players rely specifically on 3 point shooting to stay in the league, making the league into a putty-cat no-defense NBA .. where a referee could call a smudge-tap that lead into a 4 point play .. actors actors actors
I don't put any stock in our preseason record, but I do like that through this series of fake games, we continue to have the look of a NBA team with a real rotation. If you didn't know anything about last season and looked at our rotation versus Boston's, you wouldn't immediately see a huge gap in talent. If we can compare favorably to Boston, a playoff team last year with an upward trending arrow, we should be able to compete for a lower seed playoff spot this season.


Warriors just won the world championship. we can learn alot from them.

The Warriors won the championship is a fact .. how they won it, and what teams Warriors played in a series to win it using a small-ball SSOL system is not much to learn from (The TMC Warriors in the 90's were more impressive, creative, and exciting).
The Warriors beating playoff teams with poor guard depth like the Pelicans, Grizz, Rockets, and JR.Smith Cavs in a series to win a championship was more PHONEY than the Dallas Mavs championship LMFAO.

The SSOL system from coach Gentry, and 3 ball shooting from coach Kerr are baby college steps to learn, the most important thing about the 2014-15 Warriors were their long depth roster of having 8 NBA starters in their rotation to run run run to beat opponents defensive big-men Anthony Davis, Gasol, Zach, D.Howard, and Tristan Thompson back on offense to score on SSOL for 48 minutes. Melo has never been a run run player!

I would've gave the Warriors more props at winning the championship if the Warriors would've face n beat teams like the CP3 Clippers, or Parker Spurs, or Wall Wizards, or Jeff Teague Atlanta Hawks in a series. Opponents with the same type of guards depth of controlling the game.


I don't put any stock in our preseason record, but I do like that through this series of fake games, we continue to have the look of a NBA team with a real rotation. If you didn't know anything about last season and looked at our rotation versus Boston's, you wouldn't immediately see a huge gap in talent. If we can compare favorably to Boston, a playoff team last year with an upward trending arrow, we should be able to compete for a lower seed playoff spot this season.
I think fans should know early, like the first month whether this team is legit. They were competitive with the Hornets playing the second unit by and large so they seem to be have some depth.

Looking forward to eating some crow if the boys can make the playoffs this season.


I don't put any stock in our preseason record, but I do like that through this series of fake games, we continue to have the look of a NBA team with a real rotation. If you didn't know anything about last season and looked at our rotation versus Boston's, you wouldn't immediately see a huge gap in talent. If we can compare favorably to Boston, a playoff team last year with an upward trending arrow, we should be able to compete for a lower seed playoff spot this season.

I wish i seen it like that .. I seen a running Knicks team scoring on the Boston Celtricks by beating them down the court, where several of the Knicks bench players were able to score in double figures.
The Knicks next game the bench players played a well running game vs the Hornets last night, the conclusion were coach Fisher finally giving playing-time to several players for the first time in preseason games during the closing 6 minutes of the Hornets game lol
The Knicks has never played an uptempo running game with Carmelo Anthony on the court.

We should never mention the previous season Knicks roster without admitting the truth, it was a Phil Jackson JOKE-roster!
Starting with a extra-overpaid $124M FA contract to a star who was shopping himself off to the next team throughout the start of the 2013-14 season, plus replacing PG-Felton with two tier-3 PG (in Calderon/Larkins) actually worst than Felton, the ticker was starting them over Prigioni!
Plus last season SF rotation were as big a JOKE as the PG situation .. the $124M Melo forced PJ/Fisher to play him at PF leaving the SF minutes to JR.Smith n a D.League talent Cleanthony Early (lets hope Early talent improve over the summer).
And adding a 6.7 Quincy Acy to play the PF/SF spot were as bad as letting perimeter scorer Melo play the PF/SF spot.
I couldn't get angry with Dalembert for quitting on us when his half a season contract ended.

When last season sports writers n sports commentators kept bringing up the subject of Phil Jackson trade of Tyson Chandler in june 2014, throughout the 2014-15 season indicating all the woes for a tanking season, was enough reminder for the PJ JOKE season.
Which Knicks GM played the biggest offseason JOKE on the Knicks?
1) The 2013 offseason GM who got FIRED at the end of offseason for the Bargani trade?
2) The 2014 offseason GM who paid a ungrateful star twice its worth a $124M keeping Knicks over cap for 5 yrs?