D'Antoni before the game tonight said #kporzee reminds him of Ryan Phil on draft night said Pau
I'm not shaming him the kid, he was drafted into a horrible situation. D-Rose is playing for his next contract and Melo is stat padding the remainder of his playing career. This team is at best a 36-46 team as I projected and nothing has changed my opinion of this. The sad part they probably won't win 36gms.
Ah, Mike D.... too funny. They both are white and shoot 3s.... so there's that.... However, KP is about a half foot taller. Pinch me when someone puts together a highlight package of Ryan Anderson blocked shots and putback dunks.
36 wins might be a stretch even. Melo isnt mentally tough and if this thing gets out of hand early they may never never recover.
Major alarm bells are going off bc when this team falls behind they fold up camp. No fight.
If this were Feb you might excuse this sort of effort.... but there's been little energy from this team.... and if this is the max effort they can give..... geez.... what might this look like once Melo and Rose come up with their injuries?
If we are going to simply be mediocre.... then I root for this to implode ASAP.... force Dolan to dump Phil, trade Melo and Rose and lee and noah and earnestly rebuild and then
Hope for a gift in the lottery.