To Infamy and beyond!
... is this the rallying cry of ?Gen. spoiled sprat Dolan? and ?the slick and slithering Mills? ... from 1999-2000, the new millennium, the Reich of 1K years, Y2K, across the very fabric of time-space, through one-fifth of the 21st century...
... From the ignominious end of Ewing?s tenure at 34th and 7th, fueled by an unrelenting and methodical succession of follies, scandals, and escapades, all the way until now and the utter demise of a once proud franchise...
The Mecca... the playground... an icon buoyed by the thrill of of 1964 ROY Willis Reed, from the dynasty of the original GSW... Frazier, Bradley, Monroe, deBUsH... 1970, 1973... Ping Pong mania mid-80s... the 1990s rugged Knicks and battles with MJ and Indy...
1994, 1999. HOU and SA (darn you Texas).
OJ!!!, ever since you... game 6? Since then... Starks building a brick house (just a metacarpal too short)...
Ewing missed finger roll, the 4-point play, Smith blocked 4 times... Reggie shoves Hubert? PJ flips Ward and Ewing only took a small step on the court to ogle...
The venomous Dream Shake... Against MIA Houston scores! Camby Bambi, Spree tomahawk. Amar?e. Curry. Harrington, Duhon, Hughes. Red! Rory and King... Skywalker! Lee and Nate and Wilson and Rod...
2000-present, aside from Linsinity, maybe a dollup of Marbury and a dab of Melo circa 2012.... not much else!
Thank You Mills and Dolan.
We know Mills ran out KP and everybody else, out of MSG... is a rat who lied to control media narrative. We know he?ll be out, but what does that mean?
RE-assigned to another division at MsG, to whom the next GM-Prez savior will
have to report to!?!
So we draft a ball and hire a female coach (Pops asst)?
Trade a first and a second and a player for Masai U? Hire Presti or RC Buford?
Bring back Van Gundry, Jackson, Thibbs?
Where to... I abide... where the future leads, the past guides. In the age of ?if it bleeds
It leads? and make-believe... pray tell, what you surmise?
... is this the rallying cry of ?Gen. spoiled sprat Dolan? and ?the slick and slithering Mills? ... from 1999-2000, the new millennium, the Reich of 1K years, Y2K, across the very fabric of time-space, through one-fifth of the 21st century...
... From the ignominious end of Ewing?s tenure at 34th and 7th, fueled by an unrelenting and methodical succession of follies, scandals, and escapades, all the way until now and the utter demise of a once proud franchise...
The Mecca... the playground... an icon buoyed by the thrill of of 1964 ROY Willis Reed, from the dynasty of the original GSW... Frazier, Bradley, Monroe, deBUsH... 1970, 1973... Ping Pong mania mid-80s... the 1990s rugged Knicks and battles with MJ and Indy...
1994, 1999. HOU and SA (darn you Texas).
OJ!!!, ever since you... game 6? Since then... Starks building a brick house (just a metacarpal too short)...
Ewing missed finger roll, the 4-point play, Smith blocked 4 times... Reggie shoves Hubert? PJ flips Ward and Ewing only took a small step on the court to ogle...
The venomous Dream Shake... Against MIA Houston scores! Camby Bambi, Spree tomahawk. Amar?e. Curry. Harrington, Duhon, Hughes. Red! Rory and King... Skywalker! Lee and Nate and Wilson and Rod...
2000-present, aside from Linsinity, maybe a dollup of Marbury and a dab of Melo circa 2012.... not much else!
Thank You Mills and Dolan.
We know Mills ran out KP and everybody else, out of MSG... is a rat who lied to control media narrative. We know he?ll be out, but what does that mean?
RE-assigned to another division at MsG, to whom the next GM-Prez savior will
have to report to!?!
So we draft a ball and hire a female coach (Pops asst)?
Trade a first and a second and a player for Masai U? Hire Presti or RC Buford?
Bring back Van Gundry, Jackson, Thibbs?
Where to... I abide... where the future leads, the past guides. In the age of ?if it bleeds
It leads? and make-believe... pray tell, what you surmise?
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