You're wrong bro, there is no excuse for being down 15 against the Craptors, NO FUKKING EXCUSE.
Trust me it's cool, ive had first hand experience of "dead legs", your mind wants to do something but your body can't, we just played our hardest fought game of the season against philly so players legs feel like fish sticks right now, i know it is the raptors but dead legs is dead legs against any team.
forbes dropped 18 on us when he was with denver im not that surprised with his performance.Flagrant 2 on Bargnani or Calderon please?
JR Smith should take one for the team.
This is a disgrace. I mean, Who the hell is Forbes? How long has a magazine played for Toronto?!
It's funny how both the Nets and Raptors play the Knicks like it's game 7 of the NBA finals but bend over for everyone else.