★Melo Mafia★
No your right, I just guess I didnt feel that happening.
Do not say JR stepped up tonight.Ugly game
-Minus Jr & Melo nobody else stepped up tonight
-refs sucked tonight
- to much Novak tonight
-Toney douglas... go shoot yourself in the foot
and that is alll...goodnight
he did 14 points off the bench. Nobody else scored off the bench, minus jeffries measly 2 points :boohoo:Do not say JR stepped up tonight.
No your right, I just guess I didnt feel that happening.
Fields and Novak aren't the same without Lin on the floor..........Novak was a waste these past two games.. Missed the few open shots that he had. On to the next.. Gotta beat the Bucks tomorrow
We beat them with Rose
Lose to them without Rose
we have to win winnable games why do we lose the games we are suppose to win
Novak was a waste these past two games.. Missed the few open shots that he had. On to the next.. Gotta beat the Bucks tomorrow
every other guy in the league suddenly has a big game against the knicks.
since when was Kyle Krover a good defender with blocking abilities?!!
i dont know why, but it seems that the knicks are the most hated team by the league players... thats why average players shine when the play against us
it's ridiculous and it makes me sick
Its not ridiculous when oponents fresh-leg bench players take advantage of our fatique/tired players in the 4th quarter, or in early quarters when our players are trying to save energy for the final quarter.
Bulls ran a complete 11 man rotation using "TWO" ledgit PG, SG, SF, PF, and Centers -vs- our 9 man rotation of 1-PG, 4-SG, 3-SF, and 1-center.
Do the math.
Our interim headcoach Woody's coaching loss both games vs the Bulls....it was our two star-players "Tyson & Melo" pulling out their super-star second-wind to tie one game in regulation, to win the game in overtime.
This was my evaluation of both games vs the Bulls...