Really? These statements are misleading:
They had talent, we don't have talent? If you can't admit that Melo is talented then what are you watching the game for? Sure you may not like him and you can find fault in anyone's game but let's not get crazy. And whatever talent these teams had it obviously wasn't enough until they acquired high 1st round picks. And they did it by tanking nonetheless. Its just the way it is. The sooner you understand that the sooner you'll be able to accurately assess teams and their rosters. They had talent...smh
And according to you if a team isn't successfully constructed in their past they're doomed forever. That's incorrect. Sounds good though but wrong. Please don't let your emotions cloud your judgement. And again there are plenty of other teams you could root for. No one is holding a gun to your head and begging you to be a fan.
Those series of moves are currently in progress but I guess you think they happen overnight. They don't.
Sure you can bitch all you want but we can all tell if your bitching is legitimate or you're just a hater that wants to see us fail thus reveling in our struggles to which I don't appreciate. We know if/when you have a real reason to be emo and with us having a Star, and a few weeks away from possibly the highest draft pick in decades, being on the cusp of positive change you can't call yourself a real fan if that's why you're bitching. Sorry you seem fake and transparent. At least if you were holding a grudge from the past you'd still wait and see after the dust clears. But you and others come off as haters...maybe closet haters but anti - Knick nonetheless.
there is a huge difference is the level of Talent on the knicks and just about every single team in the NBA.. I honestly believe we have the worst collection of talent in the NBA.. Classic example. The wolves finished with a worse record than the knicks, but they have 3 young guys who are better than any young player on this roster... Ruibo, Dieng and of course wiggins, and this doesn't count the other young talent they have..
Talent is relative, the knicks have talent, but in relation to the talent around the league, the knicks have a huge problem..
I am not saying once you are bad you are doomed, but you are doomed when you keep making the same mistakes.. and phil had the chance to change the culture of this team, that was when carmelo opted out. and he didn't, and on top of that gave the fool a no trade clause.. I am sorry, but moves like this will doom you for the foreseeable future..
and yes carmelo is a "talent", but with his one dimensional game and lack of other skills, add in his ridiculous salary, and you start to question, what kind of talent you have? how is this talent going to help me make it to the finals.. and that question has haunted carmelo for years.. I think knick fans and carmelo know the answer deep down, just too stubborn to admit it.
call me what you want. But I have waited and the dust has cleared, settled and now it is dusty again, I have no reason other than to believe that when the dust settles again, we will be back in the lottery...
do you not find this troubling. We trade the farm to get carmelo, young talent, picks, cap space..Picks, picks, and more picks.. and 4 years later we are looking at our second lottery. That is a fail... what compounds that is that the savior we hired to clean this mess up, give carmelo a bigger deal with options that will make it easier to fit a basketball through the eye of a needle than to trade carmelo..