Yeah that's called a comparison. You and your boy are great at making yourself look foolish and silly.
Seems like reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
As your boy would say 'do your research', and stop posting your Knick-hate emo posts.
So what team do you like? We already know it's not the Knicks.
Are you asking if it's impossible to....
Like the Knicks but loathe Carmelo-Phil-Dolan?
Are you the New York Fan Police that attempts to rough em up because of fundamental differences of opinion on what it takes to win TODAY? You wanna forego a pad down, to straight brute force because some don't like Melo and won't drink Phil's water unfiltered?
Let's keep it real New Yorkers have been sold dreams for yrs and for some of us(who could be in the minority group and socially forumed profiled for it) are fed up with forked tongue messages
I mean we have Derek Fisher now selling to the masses we can go from 15wins to 63wins next yr "IF WE WANT TO!" When historically the largest margin of increased wins from one season to another is 42gms. 40gm increase only done 1 and only 3-4 unique teams that have increased wins from the 30-40win range historically.
Ultimately this thread was about drafting and probing what could be in Phil's cabbage...not coming up with warped reasons why free agents would sign here.
Here's a thought for whoever wants back in this thread. If Phil knows who he wants to pick assuming we win the Lottery, I guess that means he won't work anyone else out but that pick. Because what would be the point?
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