Biritsh ppl are speaking 3 languages + alot of dialects, about 30. if u are talkin that metro speaks english and spanish thats nothing to be proud about, its basic must .
how about speaking Mandarin language that is using for over 1 billion ppl, and every instruction of every device contain that language?
Spanish became 2nd official language of the world, English has been dropped down to 3rd but its a lot differences in UK, english and American
In Europe a lot of ppl learning british [not all ppl like it] and Scandinavians use american
What about Hindi & Arabic countries where it's Islam, most religious ppl in our World are Arabic, i dont need to comment on that, we all know it.
Polish is 30th and 40 million ppl use that.
Dutch only 21st but americans r mistaking this language as "Germans", they dont know difference between dutch, german and deutsch.
In Poland, young ppl are brainwashed "by great american dream" [usually by TVN/Polsat Entertainment content] but the point is all they know/learn is english, but when they meet foreigner they are behaving like they are hypnotized and after that they are disappointed/cry and angry that they are paying for learning and then losing with stress
This is a government issue, in that they were teaching mostly German and Russian in the 90s, now u can even learn Japanese but u will not find that easy and cheap
Its Simple group must over ~10 ppl .
if u are strong in languages try find differences between such languages as writing:
Arabic vs Urdu
Mandarin vs Cantonese
i think we have some asian ppl in herre besides Cr8zy