Congrats Metro.

Lol ..

This thread is good for lolz after a long day.

Metro you're looking defensive and butthurt at this point. :thumbsup:

I heard Crazy8 adopted you and claimed you as his stepfather.


and to Boring93, It's not me and you. It's me. You don't belong in the same sentence as I, and never will, no matter how many unflavored you make focused on me, it's failed. You suck at posting...your style is repetitive and bland. I can play the bad guy or the good guy, your'e just the boring guy.

As for your physique, just post a picture and it'll end the that. You seem to be insecure about it though, so it's not something you have to do.

Rest of your post is hot trash. Please stop posting for the sake of the forum.

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You see i don't need to post a pic of myself because i don't care what you think of my physical appearance and i also don't care to prove myself like you do with pics and all. This is your life and you love it and need this. How do i know this is your life and u take this internet stuff be so real and affects u? Because u told me to post a pic of myself in 2013 in which i could easily just find a pic online and just use that and u would take it as face value. does your gym not get enough action so u need all this online aggression? All man why did i go there, now you're gonna attack me and what i do or don't do and say what i have or don't have as if u know. I'm done with this.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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You see i don't need to post a pic of myself because i don't care what you think of my physical appearance and i also don't care to prove myself like you do with pics and all. This is your life and you love it and need this. does your gym not get enough action? All man why did i go there, now you're gonna attack me and what i do or don't do and say what i have or don't have as if u know. I'm done with this.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

It's not really about proving yourself, but you don't seem proud of your self and lack a lot of confidence, so you can keep it like that because posting a picture would make it worse for you and a lot easier for me to "attack", Patrick.

I just imagine Patricio with these type of posture.


One of those dorky non-athletic types.

Am I wrong for that? Image in my mind.
lol where did you get that pic of those two dudes from? The dark skinned guy looks like the gay kid from "Revenge of the Nerds".
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Lol ..

This thread is good for lolz after a long day.

Metro you're looking defensive and butthurt at this point. :thumbsup:

dudez have saying

"dont talk to brainless coz he will send u down to his level and then USE you with his brainless power "
i speak more languages than u so i am better than you with brain and americans loves foregingers [no bronxers]
That's helluva argument. :lol:
First off, metro speaks English and Spanish... natively, so you clearly missed the point, especially since your is English is, well, broken (yeah, I think that's the word I was looking for). Don't know if you paid enough attention but se?or Chinga is a foreigner himself. Not that some rightist **** don't call Puerto Ricans third world parasites, but guess what they're saying about Polish plumbers?

I know, you might be wondering why I'm defending metro (not that he can't defend himself), but with all due respect, it'd be a lot of laugh if you were a long time poster who jumped on metro's dick to boost the site. But you joined just a couple of months ago. Who the **** you think you're? Dude, know your limits.

edit: is it me or recently we've got plenty of forgotten users who came out of nowhere just to post in this thread and eventually get the **** beaten out of them?
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Don't Europeans on average speak 3-5 languages?

I heard Polish are low in that department from a friend of mine who's Polish-Americano.

Here in America, it's never been encourage to learn multiple languages unless your parents are into it. They offer Spanish in elementary and high school, but no one really pays attention to it.

I got no beef with Poland by the way, one of the closest guys in my life is from good ol' Polska, we discuss his favorite and upcoming boxing talent from his native country and he's taken me to see a couple of shows where the Polish fan base is strong and takes up 90% of the building.

Puerto Rico as a country isn't in the best shape, and we have a lot of crime and drug problems, I know we're not perfect. But I have a lot of things I'm proud of in Puerto Rico, we produce a lot of great athletes in boxing, basketball(Carmelo Anthony, Jose Juan Barea), baseball, volleybol, track and field and even in the NFL(Victor Cruz). We're a tiny island of only 3.8 million people, but the amount of talent that comes out that, I take pride in that.

I'd say the British are much lower than the Polish in that particular department. IMO a lot has changed since the late 80s and the economic transformation. English, known by a few in the 80s, is now widely taught and while some folks of my generation (late 80s, early 90s) are not that familiar with the language, kids born in the mid 90s or later are pretty much used to English. :lol:

I have nothing against Poland either, I can't say I'm that much proud of it and despite being born there I don't owe anything to Poland. It's not that I forgot where I'm from either. I try to keep things in check to stay up to date. As of late the internet has been the only way for me to speak Polish and I've got a couple of various message boards where I'm pretty active. That's it.
Biritsh ppl are speaking 3 languages + alot of dialects about 30

if u are talkin that metro speaks english and spanish thats nothing to be proud about its basic must .

how about speaking Mandarin langague that is using for over 1 billion ppl

and every instruction of every device contain that language

Spanish becam 2nd official language of the world English has been dropped down to 3rd but its a lot diffrences in UK english and American

In Europe lot ppl learning british [not all ppl like it] and Scandinavians use american

What about Hindi & Arabic countries where is Islam most religious ppl in our World Arabic i dont need comment that we all know it.

Polish is 30th and 40 mln ppl use that.

Dutch only 21 but americans r mistaken this language as "Germans"
they dont know diffrences between dutch german deutsch.

In Poland young ppl are brainwashed "by great american dream" [usually by TVN/Polsat Entertainment content] but the point is all they know/learn is english but when they meet foreiger they behaving like hipnotyzed and after that they are dissaponted/cry and angry that they are paying for learning and then loosing with stress

This is goverment issue that they were teaching mostly German and Russian in 90s now u can even learn Japanese but u will not find that easy and cheap

Its Simple group must over ~10 ppl .

if u are strong in languages try find diffrences between such languages as writing

Arabic vs Urdu

Mandarin vs Cantonese

i think we have some asian ppl in herre besides Cr8zy
Biritsh ppl are speaking 3 languages + alot of dialects, about 30. if u are talkin that metro speaks english and spanish thats nothing to be proud about, its basic must .

how about speaking Mandarin language that is using for over 1 billion ppl, and every instruction of every device contain that language?

Spanish became 2nd official language of the world, English has been dropped down to 3rd but its a lot differences in UK, english and American

In Europe a lot of ppl learning british [not all ppl like it] and Scandinavians use american

What about Hindi & Arabic countries where it's Islam, most religious ppl in our World are Arabic, i dont need to comment on that, we all know it.

Polish is 30th and 40 million ppl use that.

Dutch only 21st but americans r mistaking this language as "Germans", they dont know difference between dutch, german and deutsch.

In Poland, young ppl are brainwashed "by great american dream" [usually by TVN/Polsat Entertainment content] but the point is all they know/learn is english, but when they meet foreigner they are behaving like they are hypnotized and after that they are disappointed/cry and angry that they are paying for learning and then losing with stress

This is a government issue, in that they were teaching mostly German and Russian in the 90s, now u can even learn Japanese but u will not find that easy and cheap

Its Simple group must over ~10 ppl .

if u are strong in languages try find differences between such languages as writing:
Arabic vs Urdu
Mandarin vs Cantonese

i think we have some asian ppl in herre besides Cr8zy

good points, i've asked the Grammar Nazi to correct your paragraph to make sense out of it, he also spell-checked for you. The GN asks that you try to keep your paragraphs together without so many spaces between lines. this will make your thoughts easier to digest.

btw, Crazy8's is an Australian living in Japan.
Dude, shut up. You don't speak Mandarin, you barely speak English and your Polish is probably below Poland just stop talking a lot of's not even comical, you're coming off as a hateful racist dude.

Biritsh ppl are speaking 3 languages + alot of dialects about 30

if u are talkin that metro speaks english and spanish thats nothing to be proud about its basic must .

how about speaking Mandarin langague that is using for over 1 billion ppl

and every instruction of every device contain that language

Spanish becam 2nd official language of the world English has been dropped down to 3rd but its a lot diffrences in UK english and American

In Europe lot ppl learning british [not all ppl like it] and Scandinavians use american

What about Hindi & Arabic countries where is Islam most religious ppl in our World Arabic i dont need comment that we all know it.

Polish is 30th and 40 mln ppl use that.

Dutch only 21 but americans r mistaken this language as "Germans"
they dont know diffrences between dutch german deutsch.

In Poland young ppl are brainwashed "by great american dream" [usually by TVN/Polsat Entertainment content] but the point is all they know/learn is english but when they meet foreiger they behaving like hipnotyzed and after that they are dissaponted/cry and angry that they are paying for learning and then loosing with stress

This is goverment issue that they were teaching mostly German and Russian in 90s now u can even learn Japanese but u will not find that easy and cheap

Its Simple group must over ~10 ppl .

if u are strong in languages try find diffrences between such languages as writing

Arabic vs Urdu

Mandarin vs Cantonese

i think we have some asian ppl in herre besides Cr8zy


Again, you missed the point or misunderstood our previous posts. An average British person speaks only one language, English that is. Obviously, there are also five different Celtic languages present in the modern day Britain, however they're limited to 951,800 speakers which is around 1,4% of the British population.

I could address the rest of the BS you shared with us, but I decided rather not to. Simply because you're a helpless case. I don't know where did you get the news Spanish has somehow surpassed English or that the Scandinavians are taught American English while the rest of Europe is being fed with the British English. It doesn't make any sense and is completely untrue.
Man we really need the Knicks to snap out of this funk... It's a plain fact when the Knicks are bad (Marbury days) all thats done on this site is **** talk... When were playing good (November and December) its all Knick talk.

Lets get a win tonight... Channel all your hate to those Boston fans.