Congrats Metro.

He's immature and emotionally unstable. Why else with all these tirades? He blames others but in reality it's only a reflection of himself and what he portrays.

You lost your team and now you're going thread to thread crying about me?

You don't look butthurt, immature, and emotionally unstable.

Remember, weak people project themselves into people they feel inferior to.
You don't make any sense here, except you're hurt and you seek revenge and has a lot of resent towards me. You're too weak to take responsibility of your stupidity so you're putting on me.

You sound like a crappy person, so it's hard for me to give you the benefit of a doubt that you can actually come out bigger.

I can break you down and just frustrate you, it's really a waste of time for you because your legs are crossed and you're in a bad stance, you'll get nothing from this. Ask others.

It's better to laugh at yourself and move on.
or you can add to this epic thread as a victim who got frustrated and exposed. People will read back at this and laugh at your for being serious and hitting and missing like a fool.
Metro, used to receive a lot of love on this forum. I wonder what happened.

as for this, I gotten a lot of love in this forum...but I still do what I do, and I won't change for anyone because they got their feelings hurt or couldn't be strong enough to handle my text. So I get hate, I still won't change for them. Hate,'s the same to me.

The only difference is, if someone hated me in the past; they always end up respecting me for one reason or another.

I got a lot of love to give, I'm a guy with a big heart; I let it shine when the time is needed.

But if some dork is going to give me some crap over the computer, of course I gotta dissect his mind and leave him logging off the forum feeling depressed. It's my substitute for not punching his face in, because that's my initial reaction in real life :lol:

I keep telling people since 2008, they're better off not getting into these conflicts with me. They just get embarrassed. Theres nothing they can do or say that will bother me. I post my pictures, tell you about my life and open myself up...I give enough ammo for people to roast me because I have no shame in myself; I work hard everyday at my crafts and no one can take that away from me. I have values and core beliefs that are cemented and solid. You can't roast someone that likes themself.
Dude, shut up. You don't speak Mandarin, you barely speak English and your Polish is probably below Poland just stop talking a lot of's not even comical, you're coming off as a hateful racist dude.

Yes and u know me better than Myself its describer your OWN IQ level which is below standard of americans reading abilty.

If u called me rasitst how about you violent language and u know NOTHING BOUT EUROPE coz U are simply to DUMP freak.

U even didnt met me and u already calling me racist

look @ your photos all u can do i talling THE **** THE CRAP brainless moron


Again, you missed the point or misunderstood our previous posts. An average British person speaks only one language, English that is. Obviously, there are also five different Celtic languages present in the modern day Britain, however they're limited to 951,800 speakers which is around 1,4% of the British population.

I could address the rest of the BS you shared with us, but I decided rather not to. Simply because you're a helpless case. I don't know where did you get the news Spanish has somehow surpassed English or that the Scandinavians are taught American English while the rest of Europe is being fed with the British English. It doesn't make any sense and is completely untrue.

You are very wrong man

looks like OR u didnt visted many european countries or u simly NOT interested in this stuff or didnt talked

1st bout Spanish is correct if u dont believe simply i dont care :)
ask even in america u will not earn interview if u dont speak spanish

2nd Scandinavians speaks american language why? [read history]

check also this u should understand a lot.

have u been in Munchen? u can hear over 10 languages there.
if you must use curse words, please try fu*k, or sh*t, so we get a basic understanding of what the insult is.
thank you.

if some1 calling me Racist and using violent words against me
but never meet me personally dont know my personaly and dont know europe i have these words to HIM

he is responsible for Cr8zy

Cr8zy was 1st person who welcomed me into this forum

while MEtro rapping forum about violence language
if some1 calling me Racist and using violent words against me
but never meet me personally dont know my personaly and dont know europe i have these words to HIM

he is responsible for Cr8zy

Cr8zy was 1st person who welcomed me into this forum

while MEtro rapping forum about violence language

you can say whatever you want, i don't give a fu*ck;
I just want to know what you're saying, so I can understand the insult.

what does this mean?
"all u can do i talling THE **** THE CRAP"
You are very wrong man

looks like OR u didnt visted many european countries or u simly NOT interested in this stuff or didnt talked

1st bout Spanish is correct if u dont believe simply i dont care :)
ask even in america u will not earn interview if u dont speak spanish

2nd Scandinavians speaks american language why? [read history]

check also this u should understand a lot.

have u been in Munchen? u can hear over 10 languages there.
You must be the most ignorant prick this board has ever known. Even dumbest American rightist preachers know American isn't a separate language. It's one of many dialects of English. There's a reason it's called Standard American English. Moreover, there are dozens if not hundreds of various local dialects and accents across the US. But none of them is a separate language. I've been to Scandinavia a couple of times, especially around the Copenhagen-Malm?-Gothenburg area. Even during my most recent trip four years ago I didn't find Danish/Swedish English speakers sound more American than their Dutch, German or French counterparts. Also, you seem not to understand a difference between a language and a dialect, the only language native to Munich is German, to be more precise Central Bavarian East Upper German. Also, because of the role of Munich in the state of Bavaria other Bavarian as well as Franconian dialect are widely spoken, however they're not native to city. Not to mention dozens of immigrant languages spoken by various minorities.

You have no idea what you're talking about or your English is too ****ty to allow you to express yourself.
Yes and u know me better than Myself its describer your OWN IQ level which is below standard of americans reading abilty.

If u called me rasitst how about you violent language and u know NOTHING BOUT EUROPE coz U are simply to DUMP freak.

U even didnt met me and u already calling me racist

look @ your photos all u can do i talling THE **** THE CRAP brainless moron

I can't take offense to anything you said because you're already the biggest insult in here. You are you, and to me that's a really worst thing to be. I won't even comment on your flaws because I don't want you to change or help yourself, stay how you are. If 8s invited you then that shows what kind of character 8s is.

My photos are awesome, you peeped my jawline? Sexy as fuc.k
if some1 calling me Racist and using violent words against me
but never meet me personally dont know my personaly and dont know europe i have these words to HIM

he is responsible for Cr8zy

Cr8zy was 1st person who welcomed me into this forum

while MEtro rapping forum about violence language

When did my rap career start? :lol:
So we have some fat racist dude whos butchering the English language and his Polish culture, I wonder how much fun we're going to have with this one :lol:
You must be the most ignorant prick this board has ever known. Even dumbest American rightist preachers know American isn't a separate language. It's one of many dialects of English. There's a reason it's called Standard American English. Moreover, there are dozens if not hundreds of various local dialects and accents across the US. But none of them is a separate language. I've been to Scandinavia a couple of times, especially around the Copenhagen-Malm?-Gothenburg area. Even during my most recent trip four years ago I didn't find Danish/Swedish English speakers sound more American than their Dutch, German or French counterparts. Also, you seem not to understand a difference between a language and a dialect, the only language native to Munich is German, to be more precise Central Bavarian East Upper German. Also, because of the role of Munich in the state of Bavaria other Bavarian as well as Franconian dialect are widely spoken, however they're not native to city. Not to mention dozens of immigrant languages spoken by various minorities.

You have no idea what you're talking about or your English is too ****ty to allow you to express yourself.

DZ Wons Son with the highly articulate put-down! bravo!

however, don't you think it's going in one ear and right out the other?
or do you think he comprehends what you say re language and dialect differential?
I don't know, but I love to find myself in a position to teach this kind of scumbags. My only problem or rather a tendency is, while in inspiration to try to convince such a ****sucker this case is pretty much over I usually forget words or letters, which again you can see back in my previous post where I unconsciously missed a couple of "the's" and some loose letters. I should have given it a second look before posting it.
i had to answer for that coz i saw notice bout Metrofreak tells me "go suck dick of Cra8zy" u can call that insult nothing but racist insult. I need to find more bout Puerto Rico bout racism.

I also received PM from some1 @ this board which calls Metro amature dick with huge own EGO but i will not tell whos that bcoz i respect him for that msg i can only add that "this some1" have over 1100 posts on this board.Thats reminds me of KG behaviour.


Metro said this "So we have some fat racist dude whos butchering the English language and his Polish culture, I wonder how much fun we're going to have with this one"

but point is i dont love mine ****ry i hate mine goverment bcoz they are giving themselfs gifts [money prize] while other ppl are jobless and u can see that on roads . When u compare behaving Polish ppl to German this is two diffrent worlds herre are example no respect on roads and u will see that only in herre i never see such thing anywhere in europe. All faggots and freaks. Descibtion is simply how u are on wheel is who u are. I was talkin last year with very young dude he is driving Toyota Rav4 he went to Germany almost 1000kms he told me they checking their cars with speed they reached 202kmh but this is SUV so u see what i am talkin bout.

its over 4 me i wont be posting in this thread its waste of time and u can write what ever u want i will not read that

best way is to deleted whole thread or close maybe we will forget about this **** Cra8zy is back to Knicks world so maybe this team will go back to winning streak with K-mart.

What has happened to this site? I joined this site b/c I noticed by reading their posts that 90% of the posters got along and talked in a civil manner about knicks basketball.I have noticed a huge drop off in both of those catagorys b/c theres hardly ever a civil conversation talking about knicks team and almost EVERYBODY is arguing.Whats the deal did the mods quit or did they add mods that just don't care?