Jordan Hill = Taller Balkman!


Funny you should post this since I just went for my follow up training session and know my exact BMI.

Height: 5"10'
Weight: 236 lbs
BMI: 27.2
Target Weight: 202 LBS

Nice try though...I did notice you are going to be taking a part time job when you go back to get your "second" degree.

Part time job = lives at home with mommy! LOL:teeth: Ever post you make further illuminates you chump status. Sucks for you to be 29 and starting all over while seeing kats like myself accel light years behind your stunted growth. SMH

part time job! :teeth::teeth::teeth: You just an angry man child! :thumbsup:

5'10, supposedly, and 236 lbs, that's fat as hell: proportionately speaking, you're fatter than Eddy Curry.

I'm 6'1, 200 lbs, not my ideal weight, but you're fatter than I don't know what.

As for me living at home with my mommy, you're either purposely ignoring my previous post or can't read.
As I said in it, I saved money, prior to resigning: I have 70k in a CD alone, along with other assets: TRS (teacher retirement service) fund, savings and checking accounts, and lines of credit, which total to over 100k. This is enough to live independently on for the next two years, until I can get back to full-time work.

This is why I waited to quit until just the right moment. Savings will allow me to either live off of my money or do something part-time, so as to not drain as much of my savings.

Furthermore, I've done everything I've ever accomplished on my own: no help from either parent or anyone else, financially or otherwise. I'm sure your fat a55 has only done one thing on its own your whole life: cook meals and keep furniture warm and under massive stress.

Just keeping it real, fatty. Anyway, that's enough attention for you, for today. Keep waiting for them magic drops, gordo.
Last edited:


Hannibal Lecter
5'10, supposedly, and 236 lbs, that's fat as hell: proportionately speaking, you're fatter than Eddy Curry.

I'm 6'1, 200 lbs, not my ideal weight, but you're fatter than I don't know what.

As for me living at home with my mommy, you're either purposely ignoring my previous post or can't read.
As I said in it, I saved money, prior to resigning: I have 70k in a CD alone, along with other assets: TRS (teacher retirement service) fund, savings and checking accounts, and lines of credit, which total to over 100k. This is enough to live independently on for the next two years, until I can get back to full-time work.

This is why I waited to quit until just the right moment. Savings will allow me to either live off of my money or do something part-time, so as to not drain all of my savings.

Furthermore, I've done everything I've ever accomplished on my own: no help from either parent or anyone else, financial or otherwise. I'm sure your fat a55 has only done one thing on its own your whole life: cook meals and keep furniture warm and under massive stress.

Just keeping it real, fatty. Anyway, that's enough attention for you, for today. Keep waiting for them magic drops, gordo.

You are such a liar and we all know it...I know several teachers who are 29-33 in NYC and your income flat out would make that impossible especially since the stock market is down close to 40% since December of 2007. You just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar! :sleep:**Trillion falls asleep waiting for Dickfan to think of some secret other source of money to legitimize his mathematical impossibility.**

Further, in this economy even if a shred of your fantasy was true you would be a bigger idiot than I thought. To quit a steady paycheck with benefits halfway to tenure just so you can live off your ficticious retirement plan is the SINGLE MOST LUDICIRS thing you have said so far. Let us not get into the massive taxes and penalties you would have to pay to cash any of that money out. We have now ruled out you being an English or Econ teacher...I guarantee you you are a single gay DRAMA teacher with premature male pattern baldness who lives at home with his single mother and her 9 cats.

Dude I see through you so easily. I even know that this emote :)sleep:) inspired your previous couple of lame attempts at a joke. Your little "look up in the sky and take ball sweat" schtick all comes from ME posting that emote in response to you. You are transparent and lame...a 29 year old, 6'1" manchild who lives at home and is and will always be a loser with an easily diagnosed inferiority complex.

Even when you take the time to TYPE how you are done with me over 5 times I am still able to make you mad enough to go back on your thought out, type written statement. I got you on a leash with one hand and rolled up newspaper in the other just wacking you on the nose. Weeks later and you still want a chance to vindicate your major loss. Just put some ice on your swollen vagina and move on from the long dick pounding. It's not good for your weak psychy to hold on to pain for this long. Let it out, PM and we can talk about your problems, I got you dude.

Bottom line my little mijo manchild daddy's out there somewhere and things will look up. I know things seem lonely and impossible so as I stated I am willing to allow you to PM me with any questions on how to finally become a man. I'll put you on a budget, show you how to shop and teach you how to make money. If not...

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Hannibal Lecter
Reposting this lyrical damage put on Dickfan the half breed manchild that people feared was gone for ever. By popular demand I give you:

OG's Destruction

You spit that amateur prose...I kick poetry
Blue eyed Jewish king..yea you know it's me
LOL at this homothug claimin to be an OG
Is that because people constantly say
"ohh, gee...well you're Obviously Gay"
You call yourself a Knick fan
but you're really a fan of
My shit is too creative for you to handle
Your posts are incoherent and amount to a weak ramble
you just a cock vandal

Your punchlines are consistently lame
Kissing the ass of Team gaybury is obviously your aim
I take aim, my words are weapons pointed at your feeble brain
Sorry existence, you're just a human stain
A wasted life
Destined to be broke, alone without a wife

Second class citizen relishing your stature
It's judgment day for you, call it the Bitch Rapture
I'm so far ahead of you I'm raised to an infinite factor
Indivisible like a prime number
This is straight murder

It's official
You got tore up like single ply tissue
I'm a heat seeking missile
That can't help but to hit you
Even if I had not tired my words would still collide
Damaging your fake pride driving you to suicide

I don't need a a single pic
To expose you as a homothug who craves mad dick
You got burned like the wick of a candle stick
An unquenchable desire to post nonsense claimin it's fire
Everyone knows threads ago is where you expire


Don't fuk with the champ...chump!


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  • Deposit Accounts - Total Value:
  • Deposit Accounts - Interest Earned:
  • $66,023.54
  • $862.89
Deposit Accounts

<!--table header:category--> <table class="balance"> <thead> <tr> <th>Account</th> <th>Account Name</th> <th>Interest YTD</th> <th>Balance</th> <th>Available</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td> XXXXXXXXXX
</td> <td>GMAC Online Savings</td> <td align="right">$862.89</td> <td align="right">$66,023.54</td> <td align="right">$66,023.54</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
<!-- right side tile --> Account ServicesTransfer FundsExternal Accounts

Manage your external accounts to transfer fundsBitch feels stupid. This is a CD that I recently transferred into an online savings account. And this is saved from years of teaching and coaching, rather than spending my cash on transsexuals. I have other accounts, 25k in credit cards, 1,000 shares of different stock and 10k in TRS funds.


Hannibal Lecter
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="55%"> <table class="noMargin" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td> <embed style="width: 118px; height: 27px;" class="sIFR-flash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" sifr="true" bgcolor="transparent" wmode="transparent" flashvars="txt= my accounts &textalign=left&offsetTop=0&textcolor=#333333&hovercolor=#3798C7&linkcolor=#3798C7&w=118&h=27" quality="best" src="" width="118" height="27"> my accounts

</td> <td>
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> <td class="text" align="right" width="45%"> Hi *****. Your last login was on 05/27/2009 8:59 AM EST
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  • Deposit Accounts - Total Value:
  • Deposit Accounts - Interest Earned:
  • $6,666,023.54
  • $86200.89
Deposit Accounts

<!--table header:category--> <table class="balance"> <thead> <tr> <th>Account</th> <th>Account Name</th> <th>Interest YTD</th> <th>Balance</th> <th>Available</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td> XXXXXXXXXX
</td> <td>GMAC Online Savings</td> <td align="right">$86200.89</td> <td align="right">$6,666,023.54</td> <td align="right">$6,666,023.54</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
<!-- right side tile --> Account ServicesTransfer FundsExternal Accounts

Manage your external accounts to transfer fundsLOL and I have 6 million...lets see who can type the biggest number possible. You go first! :teeth:


Damn...I just came from work + a 3 hour class...this fat ugly lonely dude is still at IT...from the morning to all day marathon.

You could literally post at 8 AM...come back at 9:30 PM and still see these lame punk nerdy motha****as.

OGKnicks...just put them on me, you'll give them a reason to not post anymore. Half of their reason is gone thanks to my its up to you to flush the toliet.

Theres no way I'm training Trillion, when he dies of obesity or some heart disease 2 years from now, God will thank me.


Hannibal Lecter
<!--table header:category--> <table class="balance"> <thead> <tr> <th>Account</th> <th>Account Name</th> <th>Interest YTD</th> <th>Balance</th> <th>Available</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <td> XXXXXXXXXX
</td> <td>GMAC Online Savings</td> <td align="right">$862.89</td> <td align="right">$66,023.54</td> <td align="right">$66,023.54</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

Notice how the whole statement is formatted correctly minus the crucial stuff smushed together and not evenly spaced.

LOL what a loser you are!:teeth:Going to such lengths! don't have anything to prove!:thumbsup:


Another interesting thread cut down in it's prime by long, repetitive arguments. It's a shame really.

I know you and I weren't too hyped about the Jordan pick...but aren't you excited to see what he's going to bring to the summer league/preseason?

I feel like his game fits better in the NBA than college

Thats just my opinion...he's growing on me...I'm rooting for him to turn out better than Griffin and Douglas to turn out better than Curry.


I know you and I weren't too hyped about the Jordan pick...but aren't you excited to see what he's going to bring to the summer league/preseason?

I feel like his game fits better in the NBA than college

Thats just my opinion...he's growing on me...I'm rooting for him to turn out better than Griffin and Douglas to turn out better than Curry.

Yeah, definitely. Athletic big men that can get to the free throw line do well in the league. Plus, his jumper is already pretty good. He's got range out to the 3 pt line. Most big men have to develop that over time. I'm more optimistic about him now.

I honestly think that Douglas>Curry. Their shooting is comparable, but Douglas is NBA ready, strong, and great defensively. After a couple days to mull it over, I like what we did with this draft.


Hannibal Lecter
Damn...I just came from work + a 3 hour class...this fat ugly lonely dude is still at IT...from the morning to all day marathon.

You could literally post at 8 AM...come back at 9:30 PM and still see these lame punk nerdy motha****as.

OGKnicks...just put them on me, you'll give them a reason to not post anymore. Half of their reason is gone thanks to my its up to you to flush the toliet.

Theres no way I'm training Trillion, when he dies of obesity or some heart disease 2 years from now, God will thank me.

We all know this chump logs in and sees I have a post and logs out to read it as a guest. You're smart not to engage...took the Sung Tzu advice I gave you in the last thread that "if outmatched evade". Good for least you run away and hide like I good little rat?n.

I know you mad stressed having to use a proxy like Dickfan to try and talk to me. Go ahead dude, no one will fault you from disabling your ignore list and ending your charade. You have 4770+ reasons that say I'm right you multi-forum-lurking, schizophrenic, girlfriend-account creating Pakistani midget with Down Cyndorme eyes. Let ever know how you get down my tiny nukka.


Damn...I just came from work + a 3 hour class...this fat ugly lonely dude is still at IT...from the morning to all day marathon.

You could literally post at 8 AM...come back at 9:30 PM and still see these lame punk nerdy motha****as.

OGKnicks...just put them on me, you'll give them a reason to not post anymore. Half of their reason is gone thanks to my its up to you to flush the toliet.

Theres no way I'm training Trillion, when he dies of obesity or some heart disease 2 years from now, God will thank me.

You're right, metro, I gave this dude too much to live for, between running my errands all day. Anyway, I'm out: going to go do some 5hit.

By the way, those are real numbers, not that it's even that much money. It's just some change I've saved over the past years, through stock earnings, CD payouts and plain old savings.

Some financial advice, for all: go for the high yield online CD's (let your money earn money), once you start your career (if you haven't), and buy the big name stocks, while they're low... now's the best time.

During any economic downturn, wait until the big name stocks hit bottom and then buy them and hold them until things turn around, which they always do. I'm really feeling burger king, at the moment: it's at an all-time low, bound to go up. I'm thinking of buying 500 shares of that, at 17 a share, and selling them at around 25.

You know, what's funny is people claiming success, when in awe of the truly small chunk of change I've put away. It's just a middle class savings account. It really makes you question all the claims of success and wealth.



Huge Member
Ok Trillion dude, this stuff is getting really old now. You don't need to put so much effort in, 1 post is enough to prove your point to this fool. And 1 thread getting deleted was enough to end this saga. No good is gonna come of this now it's just gonna end up with more discussions that started interesting turning sour. I guess the only reason this thread still alive is cus Rady working so hard on the site.

We all like to get into it now and again, but several pages later it just gets boring.


Hannibal Lecter
Ok Trillion dude, this stuff is getting really old now. You don't need to put so much effort in, 1 post is enough to prove your point to this fool. And 1 thread getting deleted was enough to end this saga. No good is gonna come of this now it's just gonna end up with more discussions that started interesting turning sour. I guess the only reason this thread still alive is cus Rady working so hard on the site.

We all like to get into it now and again, but several pages later it just gets boring.

You can't be serious...its this dude coming in here calling everyone a racist off the jump. Please go back a few pages and tell me I was not trying to have a serious dialogue on his racist comments and accusations. He responded with pictures, charts and lame jokes. I agree though I said what I had to say so I will try to keep it civil and not kick dudes when they down.


I got Soul
You can't be serious...its this dude coming in here calling everyone a racist off the jump. Please go back a few pages and tell me I was not trying to have a serious dialogue on his racist comments and accusations. He responded with pictures, charts and lame jokes. I agree though I said what I had to say so I will try to keep it civil and not kick dudes when they down.

i thought this all ended when the "jennigs" thread was locked.....


You're right, metro, I gave this dude too much to live for, between running my errands all day. Anyway, I'm out: going to go do some 5hit.

By the way, those are real numbers, not that it's even that much money. It's just some change I've saved over the past years, through stock earnings, CD payouts and plain old savings.

Some financial advice, for all: go for the high yield online CD's (let your money earn money), once you start your career (if you haven't), and buy the big name stocks, while they're low... now's the best time.

During any economic downturn, wait until the big name stocks hit bottom and then buy them and hold them until things turn around, which they always do. I'm really feeling burger king, at the moment: it's at an all-time low, bound to go up. I'm thinking of buying 500 shares of that, at 17 a share, and selling them at around 25.

You know, what's funny is people claiming success, when in awe of the truly small chunk of change I've put away. It's just a middle class savings account. It really makes you question all the claims of success and wealth.


Good to see a Dominirican doing it up and slapping the white man in the face by playing the system right (sadly they don't teach us how to beat the system in the hood, just teach us how to slave for it)
You gotta give me more advice on the money making...I expect to the money to be there, but right now I'm caught up with school, certification, and this baby coming up.


metro and jay, glad to hear it. i was down on j hill to. but know that hes a knick, i gota be positive about him. i did more research on him, and hes not as bad as i thought. now does he scream bosh or stat good? no, but ill hope and pray tht he gets tht good as long as hes a knick. the system fits him, and he compliments lee. i jst hope we can sign lee back at a 6-8 mil range.